We just finished three days of teaching on the much needed study on biblical prophecy at the Calvary Tucson church with pastor Robert Furrow and a line-up of top notch pastors, professors and leaders! The following are those teachings, along with a Q & A (is any conference really complete without one of these?), and I must say that we were enormously blessed with each and every one of them!
So much so, that I wanted to share them with you all here, copying the videos from off the Calvary Tucson's Youtube page! Along with each teaching I have a link to the teacher's bio, and also some web links to their ministries and ministry projects!
In such a day as ours when eschatological prophecies are ripe for fulfillment, it's tragic that too, too many churches are neglecting prophecy, believing that such things are peripheral in importance, not central to biblical doctrine, nor serving practical needs, but I disagree on all counts.
Prophecy IS very important, and practical and central!
JESUS is the very spirit, the very heart, the core of all biblical prophecy as the entire volume of the Scriptures are about Him (PSALM 40:7) and testify of Him (JOHN 5:39)!
As for practical needs, does not Scripture itself state that we who have this hope of Christ's return are purified even as He is pure (1 JOHN 3:3)? Saints living in expectation of the LORD's return are living in a readiness, preparedness for His coming - living holy and godly - and nothing could be more practical!
Further, these teachers are all dispensational in their eschatology, and inherently this means that they correctly teach that the church and Israel are distinct from one another, having different missions appointed to them by GOD with different destinies and functions. They are all dispensational (specifically, they believe that the church will not be here for the 70th week of Daniel, and that JESUS Himself will literally reign on Earth from Jerusalem for 1000 years in what's known as the Millennium.
Along with pertinent studies on this subject, David Guzik shared a very special message to wrap up the conference that I found particularly meaningful!
So, without further ado, will you join me in watching these videos and be blessed in all of the teaching on our Blessed Hope?
See also his excellent work that provides edifying commentary and ministry links at www.enduringword.com!
Please remember David in your prayers - that the LORD will continue to bless to overflowing this work as there are endeavors to get these materials in the hands of Christians all over the world, and translated into multiple languages to edify the body of Christ!
See also his website: www.thekingiscoming.com
See Don Stewart's work on the website: www.educatingourworld.com. Keep Don in prayer as he is recovering from open heart surgery - ask that the LORD will reinvigorate him and provide many more years of productive service as well as life abundance in the time ahead!
I hope that you were as blessed with these teachings as I was! And next year (if we are still here) LORD willing, the CALVARY TUCSON Pastors/Leaders conference will center around the discipline of apologetics with such able apologists as Frank Turek of CROSS EXAMINED!
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