~ by James Fire
INTRODUCTION: The church at Corinth, founded as you know, by the apostle Paul is a perfect example of how corruption found in any culture wrongly infects the body of Christ. We aren’t to have fellowship with the works of corruption, sin, and darkness (EPH 5:11), because this will adversely affect us. “A little leaven leavens the whole lump” (1 COR 5:6). Whereas the LORD Jesus ate, drank, and regularly fellowshipped with sinners, these children of darkness (MT 11:19). Is this a contradiction? Not at all!
We’re called of GOD to be salt and light and have a godly influence among the lost. We can follow our LORD’s example and minister to the lost; but we’re not to come under the influence of ungodliness.
Of all of Paul’s epistles, 1st and 2nd CORINTHIANS have the most corrections, admonitions, and rebukes. This demonstrates the apostle’s unswerving love and devotion to the saints in this fellowship (2 COR 12:15), just as the LORD Himself rebukes and chastens those He loves (REV 3:19).
Last week pastor Kevin spoke about biblical hope: it’s not wishful thinking; rather it’s a confident expectation; a confident expectation of the truth of GOD’s Word that fulfills all of His promises. In this chapter, we’ll continue this theme of biblical hope found only in Christ Jesus and nowhere else, and thus the title for this sermon “Confident Sufficiency in Christ Alone”.