~ by James Fire
Introduction: It’s been said that “It’s all about grace” and
while I understand the sentiment behind that statement, it is somewhat myopic,
it doesn’t express the entirety of GOD’s revelation to mankind; and then again,
there are those who are focused on the truth of GOD, sometimes even at the
expense of the grace of GOD, but both grace and truth come by Jesus Christ (JOHN 1:17). Still, the Person of Christ is more than even
these: His justice, His mercies, His role as Creator, LORD, Judge, Messiah King, and Kinsman Goel; His Righteousness, the imputation of that righteousness and so much more.
Essentially, “It’s all
about Jesus Christ!”
Hence, the special blessing that’s promised to those
who read this book in particular: The REVELATION of JESUS CHRIST! There are
those that dismiss the book of Revelation because it speaks so much about the
devil; while it does document the events and acts of the devil in his last days
before his judgment and final consignment to the eternal lake of fire, the
central focus of this book is in fact the events and acts of the LORD of Glory
in the last days of final judgment of mankind. He shall certainly judge those
who challenge is rightful reign as KING of Kings, LORD of Lords as well as
Creator and Judge, those who pledge allegiance to the dragon, and the
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