SECTION ONE – Article Three: Transitioning from the Old to the New Testament and Establishing the Verification Thereof
By James Fire
Our journey is about two thirds complete, in our general examination of the canon of Scripture as far as Section One is concerned. Again, in Section Two we will return to this subject, but there we will examine certain specifics of various text, letting Biblical scholar F.F. Bruce be our guide. In the first two articles already published we looked at the Old Testament canon, showing how historically, the writings of Moses recorded not only the Word of God, but His miraculous acts as well; such actions as could not be typically accounted for by natural means (despite what the atheist and agnostic critics might say).
Likewise, upon the opening of a new era as determined by God, miracles came in abundance (such as the time of Elijah, and the opening period of the OT prophets that endured until the time of John the Baptist). Then again, the greatest and most profound of multitudinous miracles occurred during the earthly ministry of Jesus Himself, which we will examine along with the treatment of canonicity of the New Testament writings. Indeed, the miraculous acts of God verify the truth of God, as the truth of God authenticates the miraculous acts.
For more about miracles, and how they complement the canon of Scripture, see the following article
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While we are nearly done with the book of Isaiah, we are hardly finished with all that the Scripture has to say about the Millennial Reign of the Messiah! And it seems that towards the end of this book, Isaiah’s intensity and frequency of mention of the Messiah increases, to the point where virtually every chapter and every verse references the King of Israel and His future kingdom there. Last time we covered chapter 61, but we hardly venture into the beginning of the next chapter when we are confronted with even more revelation!
While I made the point already (a few times), redundancy is important in this regard: Zionism in its biblical form is not only legitimate, it is destiny as outlined in prophetic Scripture! We see it everywhere in the written Word; prominently in PSALM 2 – as well as other places, like ISAIAH 62.
That being said, there are other forms of Zionism which are to various degrees legitimate, or not, depending on their basis. Certainly occult Zionism as promoted by Rothschilds and other interested parties that have invested considerable finances to the establishment of the modern government of Israel is counter to the absolute and perfect will of God. The fact that it was to a majority degree, the money of such men that helped to bring things together for Israel matters not to God – He even uses Satan for His purposes, how much more the evil men who serve the fallen one?
Ultimately, we understand that God is sovereign and that He holds all things in His hand; just as He declared that He would bring Israel back “the second time” (ISAIAH 11:11), He has also promised to restore the kingdom of Israel – the pure doctrine of Zionism – under His own rule as the rightful King of Israel.
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