Rob Bell, a liberal (and former) pastor of Mars Hill church, and ‘the hero of heresies’
regarding the Bible and the Person of GOD, made the following statement:
“Our words
are not absolutes. Only God is absolute, and God has no intention of sharing
this absoluteness with anything, especially words people have come up with to
talk about him.”
And this includes words we find in the Bible, Rob? Seems this man is trying to ‘rob’ us of biblical truth, right?
He claims GOD
is absolute, so it’s impossible to convey truth about GOD through words “people
have come up with to talk about GOD.” Well, does that include you Rob? If so,
then just stop talking OK? The rest of us would appreciate it!
What about the
very words of JESUS, GOD made flesh, that dwelled among us – He conveyed the
truth about Who the Father is, what He is like, what His plans and objectives
and desires are, with the words He spoke!
GOD created
reality; the Bible contains words that also correspond to reality, words like
sin, righteousness, truth, deception, holy, evil, salvation and condemnation.
We know that these words contain truth about the reality we live in.
When we read words like All-powerful, and holy, All-knowing, Creator, Redeemer, etc. we understand that these words are attributable to GOD, and that through such words we can understand Who GOD is.
We continue to
examine biblical words; Sonny did eight important words in his examination, so I also selected
eight words and all of them have to do with salvation.
“Salvation” is a word that includes a wide range of blessings, gifts and ministering by the LORD Jesus to the repentant sinner, turned saint. This study is known as soteriology – the study of salvation. The Compelling Truth website has a very good article on soteriology; you can view it here (NOTE: TTUF doesn't necessarily agree with everything as taught by this ministry).
“Salvation” is a word that includes a wide range of blessings, gifts and ministering by the LORD Jesus to the repentant sinner, turned saint. This study is known as soteriology – the study of salvation. The Compelling Truth website has a very good article on soteriology; you can view it here (NOTE: TTUF doesn't necessarily agree with everything as taught by this ministry).
These eight
biblical words, their definition, according to the NT Greek that the Bible was
written in, and usage in Scripture are as follows: 1)
Justification (2) Imputation (3) Sanctification (4) Glorification (5) Redemption (6) Atonement (compare w/ propitiation) (7)
Glory and (8) Grace.