PERILS and PERVERSION of PORNOGRAPHY - It's Satanic Influences and Spiritually
Destructive Darkness – PART 1
By James Fire
WARNING: The following article, PART 1
and 2 is not intended for children. If you are a minor, you are urged to leave and instead, invest your time elsewhere.
Morality is something integral to the revelation of
God’s Word. His Law, and specifically the Ten Commandments reveals God-ordained
morality with every one of the ‘thou
shalt’s and ‘thou shalt not’s.
God is eternal and immutable, and so is His Law and Truth, thus morality
likewise does not change, despite popular beliefs in our modern times.
Today, people believe that morals are relative and not
revelatory; that is, it’s up to people on an individual or even a group consensus
basis to determine what is moral and what is immoral and not prescribed by God
for mankind; There are some that even espouse an amoral attitude and conduct. The
majority reject the idea that morals are based on God’s truth and
that we are obligated to obey it. If truth is rejected, not recognized as
existent or deemed relative, not only then does justice suffer, but morality as
well. And this inevitably leads to the destruction of any society.
The dangers of pornography and the relativism that
allows, even extols it, is the subject in today’s TTUF article. . .