In any gathering, if a person mentions certain words or phrases, like “9-11, Council on Foreign Relation, New World Order, Federal Reserve, Rockefeller, etc.” eyes start to roll and smirks appear on incredulous expressions.
Yet if you consider this word ‘conspiracy’ it’s an entirely plausible concept and should not be related to fictitious ideas such as Santa Claus, Men from Mars, the Tooth Faerie, etc. as something to be disparaged or disregarded as unreal. It's vital to remember that simply because something is unfamiliar, it doesn't necessarily mean that it must be untrue.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines conspiracy as follows:
“An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful or subversive act. A group of conspirators. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action. A joining or acting together as if by sinister design.”
Breaking that word down, we have ‘con’ meaning “with, together” and 'spire’ that is, “breath or spirit”.
To conspire in one sense is to breathe together of the same spirit.
The word “conspiracy (and conspirators, and conspired)” occurs 30x in the Bible. In the Hebrew it’s the word: “qesher” and “qasher”. It means, “an unlawful alliance; conspiracy, alliance, treason, confederacy”; also “to tie, conspired, bind, conspirator, join together, to knit, work treason.”
REMEDIAL COURSE on Conspiracies 101 - Update - Anne Kisly
REMEDIAL COURSE on Conspiracies 101 - Part Two - James Fire
REMEDIAL COURSE on Conspiracies 101 - Part Three - James Fire
REMEDIAL COURSE on Conspiracies 101 - Part Four - James Fire
REMEDIAL COURSE on Conspiracies 101 - Part Five - James Fire
The NEW WORLD ORDER As Found In REVELATION 13 - by James Fire
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