~ By James Fire
Due to the length of this article, I’ve divided it into two sections (the point at which I divided it was a completely arbitrary decision).
It is my expressed desire for Christians who are aware of the need for genuine, biblically-based spiritual warfare to get a copy of this book as it is the finest I’ve seen in our contemporary age.
For the moment, let us pause to consider what is ‘spiritual warfare’?
There are many good answers to this question; here is mine:
Spiritual warfare is the contention between the Kingdom of GOD and the kingdom of darkness; the point of contention is that of human souls. GOD desires to see us redeemed; Satan desires to see us held fast under his spiritual deception and ultimately the condemnation of GOD’s Holy Judgment.
It is a war, not over land or resources, or domination of belligerent human powers over the weak by these oppressors who seek to expand their ideologies. It is a war against unholiness, unrighteousness, a war against evil and everything it stands for. Ultimately it is GOD’s War against Satan in the rescuing of humanity that by Adam’s fall was brought under ‘new management’ with Satan, instead of the first Adam, as ruler over this world.
It is by the last Adam, Christ Himself (1 COR 15:45-49), , that proper rule over this world is secured and restored.
Thus the preaching of the Gospel is a part of this spiritual warfare, as is intercessory prayer, deliverance from demonic influences of various kinds, and personal holiness because Satan opposes all of these and more: the very truth of GOD’s Word! Proving the veracity of the Scriptures which is apologetics, and discipling the saints are a part of this!
Declaration of prophecy and the arrival of His kingdom on planet Earth to rule from the national capital of Israel, Jerusalem, is included, therefore standing with Israel, and praying for this nation is also part of spiritual warfare.
I think it’s vital that everyone who has a passion for all of the above to read this book. I fear in my zeal to give people a glimpse into this ‘Reader’s Digest’ version, that once they read through this series of articles, they will feel content that they have the basic idea and principles, and not bother to get the book.
Please, by all means, get the book (purchase your copy here)!So, I will summarize the next couple of chapters and then give a very broad overview for the rest of this book. I prayerfully hope that I will give everyone enough of a taste for this treatment that they’ll ‘be hooked’ and get a copy for their own careful study. The days ahead will require of every true child of GOD, a necessary understanding and ability to implement the exercises and wisdom in this work.So with that said, on to the next chapter. . .
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