~ by James Fire
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
We have covered this subject before in FROM the MIND of FIRE with the article Are You Persecution Proof?, and the days being what they are, I feel a need to revisit this issue as the likelihood of persecution here in America seems only a matter of time - it's been happening for some time in isolated, individual cases, but it has yet, in a very overt, direct way, to strike at the heart of the church from coast to American coast – yet! But soon!
We see more and more solid indications that persecution in one form or another will be visiting our American shores (The Covid19 PLANdemic is a rather underhanded, back door method). It's my fervent prayer and desire that this article will encourage, even inspire the saints of GOD in these darkening days of dire and dread to remain steadfast and courageous in the face of such stark opposition and do "great exploits" (DAN 11:32b) by the power of GOD and for His glory!
It’s been a viable tactic of fire fighters for a long time now, to “fight fire with fire”. The idea of course is to go ahead of a fire raging out of control and burn up anything consumable, so that by the time the wildfire reaches that area, there is no fuel to consume, and the fire simply dies out. To ensure that the fires of persecution don't have a debilitating, destructive effect, we need the Fire of GOD to refine us, purging out the things of the flesh, any weaknesses that the fires of persecution could feed on!