"We see, in many a land, the proudest dynasties and tyrannies still crushing, with their mountain weight, every free motion of the Consciences and hearts of men. We see, on the other hand, the truest heroism for the right and the greatest devotion to the Truth in hearts that God has touched. We have a work to do, as great as our forefathers and, perhaps, far greater. The enemies of Truth are more numerous and subtle than ever and the needs of the Church are greater than at any preceding time. If we are not debtors to the present, then men were never debtors to their age and their time. Brethren, we are debtors to the hour in which we live. Oh, that we might stamp it with Truth and that God might help us to impress upon its wings some proof that it has not flown by neglected and unheeded." -- C.H. Spurgeon . . . "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." John 8:31, 32 . . . . .


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Monday, August 31, 2020


The following is republished from
LAMB & LION ministries, unedited and unabridged:

~ By Dr. David Reagan

(to read this article in full, go here)

I was watching a local Dallas, Texas, television station interviewing protesters in a crowd that had descended on Dallas City Hall after the killing of George Floyd. Individuals in the crowd were asked, "Why are you protesting?" Some said, "I'm protesting against police violence." But most gave an answer that really surprised me. Over and over I heard these words: "I'm protesting against systemic racism." Young protesters in the streets using an academic phrase?

Providing a Definition

Now, that is not a phrase that would naturally roll off the tongues of street protesters, nearly all of whom were in their teens and twenties. It had to be supplied by the protest organizers. I kept hoping that the TV interviewer would ask one of the people what they meant by the phrase because I was certain none of them had the slightest idea what it meant — either because of naivete or a lack of historical knowledge and perspective.

The word, systemic, is defined as something that is ingrained throughout a whole system — something that is intentional, methodical or implemented according to a plan. Thus, "systemic racism" in reference to a nation would mean that everything in the society is designed to discriminate against one or more races. The former policy of Apartheid in South Africa would be a classic example.

Now, with that definition in mind, just try to wrap your brain around the insanity of someone in Dallas, Texas, protesting against "systemic racism." The top governmental official in Dallas is the City Manager, who is a black man. Additionally, the Mayor is a black man, the Police Chief is a black woman, the District Attorney is a "progressive" black man, and the Sheriff is a black woman. The previous Sheriff, who resigned to run for Governor, was an Hispanic lesbian. I ask you, where is the "systemic racism"?
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Friday, August 21, 2020

GENESIS – An Expositional Overview of the Beginning of God’s Revelation: Chapter FIFTY

Contributing commentaries by pastors Sonny Islas, Albert Lopez and James FireChuck Missler Bible Commentary – GENESIS Chapters 46-50 

GENESIS 50 – by Sonny Islas; for the Facebook video of this teaching in its completion, go here.

INTRODUCTION: At this point, Israel has passed away and will be taken to Canaan (aka the land of Israel) in a very impressive and kingly possession. The chapter also ends with the death of Joseph. In this chapter we find that Joseph learned all the lessons he was to learn from all his trials.
It’s important for us too, to learn from the trials that God allows us to go through and at times even send our way. Trials are for us to be built up. Trials reveal what we’re made of and they cause us to look to God which then makes us all the better for it.
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Thursday, August 20, 2020


ACTS 7:1-60
Introduction: Summary of Chapter 6: Stephen is one of seven men chosen by the church who will minister to the needs of the body of Christ, some of which feel that they were neglected – these being the Hellenized Jews. And who were they? From 
GOTQUESTIONS.com we have the following explanation:

The believing Jews are here divided into two groups. There were those who had remained in Judea, near Jerusalem, who used the Hebrew language, and who were appropriately called “Hebrews.” The other group consisted of those who were scattered among the Gentiles, who spoke the Greek language, and who used the Greek translation of the Old Testament, called the Septuagint. These were called “Hellenists,” from a word meaning “Greek” or “Greek-speaking.” To “Hellenize” is to adopt Greek culture and ideas.
“Dissensions arose between the Hellenistic Jews and the Hebraic Jews. The Hebraic Jews prided themselves on the fact that they had always lived in the land of the patriarchs, used the language that their fathers spoke, and were near the temple, regularly worshiping there. The Hellenistic Jews from other parts of the world were jealous of the first group and made to feel like outsiders. Sadly, the strife between the two groups was not automatically eliminated by their conversion to Christianity, as the complaints concerning food distribution to widows of the two groups show. However, in a wonderful example of godly wisdom and Christian unity, the early church worked through the dispute, and the office of deacon was formed
(Acts 6:2–6).”

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Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Christian Pilgrim Or The True Christian's Life a Journey Toward Heaven - Part II of II ~ By Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)

The Christian Pilgrim Or The True Christian's Life a Journey Toward Heaven
~ By Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
Dated September, 1733
"And confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For they that say such things, declare plainly that they seek a country." -- HEBREWS 11:13, 14

A Forward: TTUF Note: So that the reader is aware of the fact that Jonathan Edwards was a Calvinist after the Puritan sort, I point that out here; further, that TTUF does not agree with much of the Calvinist theology (and we have ample articles that treat this doctrine on our site under the Apologetics tab). Where there are false statements, false doctrines, false practices employed in the church, either present or past, we will point them out on Scriptural grounds.

That being said, we are all about the truth (AND grace! JOHN 1:17) in this ministry, and what I’ve read in this sermon by Jonathan Edwards has so moved me, that I’ve felt compelled to publish this work in two parts (Part I will include Sections One and Two; Part II will include Sections Three and Four).

In this current age of the church, particularly in America and generally in the West, I find this fixation on material prosperity and blessings abhorrent – not in and of themselves, but with the church’s fixation upon them, the preoccupation with them and the seeming covetous attitude with which the church desires to procure them as an ends in themselves, while leaving in the dust the true riches that come from Christ Himself, and the highest and greatest of all riches, Christ Himself!

Our aim is not to be the ‘here and now’ as our objective, but to employ all powers, materials, motivations, knowledge and time as the means of aiming to our objective – eternity; and receiving from Christ those rewards for faithful service in this life, our pilgrimage that we may then glorify GOD the Son with as the author and finisher of our faith. Without further ado then, here is the second half of the sermon by Jonathan Edwards:

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GENESIS – An Expositional Overview of the Beginning of God’s Revelation: Chapter FORTYNINE

Contributing commentaries by pastors Sonny Islas, Albert Lopez and James Fire
Chuck Missler Bible Commentary – GENESIS Chapters 46-50 

GENESIS 49 – by James Fire; for the Facebook video of this teaching, go here.

3 Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. 4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.

In this chapter Jacob prophesies over his sons, revealing both character and, or destiny. Parents desire that their children will accept all the lessons, counsel, wisdom and biblical understanding (PROV 1:8-9), and get a better head start in the Kingdom than their parents did. In that sense, our children are arrows that we fire from the bows of our parental care and launch them out to go further and farther than their parents ever could.

We have the twelve patriarchs of Israel, from Reuben, Jacob’s first born, to Benjamin, the youngest: these become the tribes of Israel that are in bondage in Egypt, in the next book, Exodus. The destiny of these twelve tribes that become the nation of Israel when they are delivered from bondage by the LORD GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is to eventually become the nation of prominence over all the world, and Jerusalem, the global capital, from which the Messiah of Israel shall reign as King of kings and LORD of Lords! 
We’ll examine these pronouncements made by Jacob over his sons throughout this chapter: 

GENESIS 49:1-2
And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days. 2 Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; and hearken unto Israel your father

This man had believed he lost a son in Joseph and feared that he might lose Benjamin his other son from his beloved wife Rachel; in fact, because of the drought, he was uncertain of the future of all of his sons.
Now he is preparing to depart this world; he’s ended his pilgrimage and preparing to go to his eternal home. He has the comfort of all of his sons with him. It’s been a life lasting one hundred and forty six years, by today’s standards an incredibly long life. But what’s more important than how long you live is how you live. My mother is almost ninety-three years old, and I’m soon going to be 58: if we both passed away today, we would be equally blessed in knowing that we’ve bowed before the LORD and surrendered to Him as our Savior.
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Thursday, August 6, 2020

The Christian Pilgrim Or The True Christian's Life a Journey Toward Heaven - Part I of II ~ By Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)

~ By Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)
Dated September, 1733
"And confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For they that say such things, declare plainly that they seek a country." -- HEBREWS 11:13-14

A Forward: TTUF Note: So that the reader is aware of the fact that Jonathan Edwards was a Calvinist after the Puritan sort, I point that out here; further, that TTUF does not agree with much of the Calvinist theology (and we have ample articles that treat this doctrine on our site under the Apologetics tab). Where there are false statements, false doctrines, false practices employed in the church, either present or past, we will point them out on Scriptural grounds.

That being said, we are all about the truth (AND grace! JOHN 1:17) in this ministry, and what I’ve read in this sermon by Jonathan Edwards has so moved me, that I’ve felt compelled to publish this work in two parts (Part I will include Sections One and Two; Part II will include Sections Three and Four).
In this current age of the church, particularly in America and generally in the West, I find this fixation on material prosperity and blessings abhorrent – not in and of themselves, but with the church’s fixation upon them, the preoccupation with them and the seeming covetous attitude with which the church desires to procure them as an ends in themselves, while leaving in the dust the true riches that come from Christ Himself, and the highest and greatest of all riches, Christ Himself!

Our aim is not to be the ‘here and now’ as our objective, but to employ all powers, materials, motivations, knowledge and time as the means of aiming at our objective – eternity; and receiving from Christ those rewards for faithful service in this life, our pilgrimage that we may then glorify GOD the Son with as the author and finisher of our faith (HEB 4:12). Without further ado then, here is the sermon by Jonathan Edwards:

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GENESIS – An Expositional Overview of the Beginning of God’s Revelation: Chapter FORTYEIGHT


Contributing commentaries by pastors Sonny Islas, Albert Lopez and James Fire
Chuck Missler Bible Commentary – GENESIS Chapters 46-50

GENESIS 48 – by Albert Lopez; 

INTRODUCTION: We are almost at the end of Joseph’s story and the conclusion of Genesis. Two more chapters and we come to the end of the first book of the bible; and one thing that you will notice that never changes: there is always a constant whether we read about Man’s fall in GENESIS 3 or God destroying Sodom and Gomorrah in GENESIS 19, there is no lack of God’s faithfulness and Sovereignty! 

While Joseph sat in prison, unfairly, for honoring God it is possible, he might have at one point, in a moment of despair or lack of trust said, "Where are you God?"
Or as the disciples told Jesus, "This boat is going to sink and you're sleeping?? Don’t you care if we perish?" 

He shows throughout Genesis that He is the God who cares and lights the path before His people. Even if His people need to go through a famine and imprisonment, we can see the hand of God working on behalf of those who love Him (2 CHRON 16:9; ROM 8:28). 
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Monday, August 3, 2020


~ by James Fire


Because of the fact that churches for the most part have wandered from discipleship and a firm foundation in the Word of GOD, and because the church here in America is thus ill-equipped to endure the times of persecution and hardship that are now at the door, such a ‘crash-course’ of the basics of Christianity is needful and provided here.

These will be concise, but complete treatments of the fundamentals that will aid those of the Christian faith in enduring such hardships and persecution that the LORD promised to all who will “live godly in Christ Jesus” (2 TIM 3:12).

There are seven sections (as seen in the picture above) for this course. Readers are encouraged to print these sections out as they are made available, along with information provided at Internet links in the event that the Web goes down, or even Christian sites are banned.

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