~~By James Fire
The ARMOR of GOD – What It Is and Its Functions:
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Taking a Stand
Remember that rallying cry by Aragorn, Captain of the Armies of the West and what he commanded of his men? “. . . STAND, men of the West!”
What about Wallace’ declaration of “FREEDOM”?
We likewise receive our own CAPTAIN of Salvation’s command here via Paul the apostle, to STAND FAST and we acknowledge our FREEDOM or LIBERTY in Christ, being made free from the Law, from the works of the flesh, from the destructive power of sin:
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Sunday, January 23, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
SPIRITUAL WARFARE: The Armor of God, Conduct in the Campaign & Implementing the Victory of Christ in our Lives- Part 2

In review from Part 1:
We are as the church positionally seated, where now? What does it say in vs. 6?
And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
Each of us who are in Christ Jesus, exist (positionally) in a very real spiritual sense, “seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus”. We have no right nor place to that seat in heaven but by the grace and empowering authority of God that brought us into the Kingdom in the first place as His children (See JOHN1:12).
I believe that we share in the authority of Christ Jesus and in His Name as His bride (REV 21:9, 22:17), as ambassadors who speak in the Name and authority of the LORD (2 COR 5:20) and as overcomers who will one day sit with Christ on His own Throne, rather than the Father’s Throne where He sits now (see this list in scripture referring to overcomers):
To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
1 JOHN 4:4; 5:4-5; REV 2:7,11,17,26; 3:5,12 and REV 21:7.
It would seem that the portrayal of the overcomer is the lot of the regenerated believer, for we are born of God by faith, and shall partake of the Tree of Life, receive the hidden manna and a new name engraved in a white stone (is there any true believer that won’t?), nor shall we suffer harm from the second death, we shall be clothed upon in His righteousness and will not have our names blotted out of the Book of Life and shall witness our LORD confessing us before the Father and His angels (see also LUKE 12:8) and shall inherit all things.
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Saturday, January 8, 2011
SPIRITUAL WARFARE: The Armor of God, Conduct in the Campaign & Implementing the Victory of Christ in our Lives
Having completed the study in the book of Ephesians on the blog FROM the MIND of FIRE, I thought it would be more profitable if I left out chapter 6, verses 10 through 18 and treated this portion of scripture in a more detailed study on our spiritual warfare, here on The TRUTH Under FIRE.
In today’s world, churches in error seem to be polarizing, to a large degree, between these two groups of fellowships: the one group hardly recognizes, or not at all, the existence of Satan, the kingdom of darkness, spiritual warfare and are involved in this world merely as social agencies, self-help institutions, and a platform from which to address entirely earthly, non-spiritual, political and social issues. Rick Warren is a prime example of this.
The other group seems fixated on nothing but spiritual warfare, the kingdom of darkness, and Satan; their battle strategies and objectives seem centered around “reclaiming this world/nation/city for God” which is something the LORD Jesus Christ never did, nor did any of His apostles.
The church received no such command to “reclaim” (A review of JOHN 17 where the LORD Jesus Christ prays to the Father is most revealing in this regard). They get into unbiblical practises which in themselves can lead a Christian astray from the Truth just as effectively as the Emerging Church Movement and its proponents (like Rick Warren as mentioned above); included among these would be such teachers as C. Peter Wagner and the late Derek Prince (strangely enough Wagner has been a spiritual mentor of R. Warren’s for a long time).
Those are the extreme positions (of course not all churches can be accounted for in these two groups), and as usual the Truth resides somewhere in-between; precisely that is, in an accurate appraisal of the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures.
An exhaustive treatment of this subject would be worthy of an entire book (and there are some, though not many that have been already published which prove useful; I have a list of such books at the end of this article)!
Obviously this study will not be exhaustive, but I do pray that the LORD will enable me to construct at least, a very thorough, exact and balanced treatment of this very necessary and biblical subject!
That grave errors are discovered on its page?
Will it save the sinful soul? Will it make the wounded whole?
Will its glorious truth abide from age to age?
Will its message still abide, when the scientists decide
That its record of Creation is untrue?
Tell us the ascent of man is by evolution's plan;
Will its principles the sinful heart renew?
When in language wondrous fair, "Christian Scientists" declare
That there is no evil, only mortal mind.
When mental treatment fails, and seeming death prevails,
May we in the Bible consolation find?
When infidels parade the mistakes which Moses made,
When the truth of Revelation they deny,
Will the Ten Commandments still the demands of justice fill?
Will its word support us when we come to die?
Yes, the Word of God shall stand, though assailed on every hand,
Its foundations are eternally secure;
It will bear the critic's test, and the idle scoffer's jest,
Its saving truth forever shall endure.
Author Unknown
Is it me, or does it seem as though there are very few faithful stewards of God’s WORD today? The world’s scorn of the Bible, though unbearable, is not at all surprising. What is surprising is the scorn that’s coming from Christian leadership. Pastors and theologians, who have supposedly dedicated their lives to the study of the Bible, are now criticizing its complete authority in the spiritual lives of the Christian believer. Many of these leaders are embracing outside sources of knowledge and experience, and placing them on equal ground with the authority that God alone has placed upon His word. I’ll just say this, when we disagree with the Bible, we are making God a liar!
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Saturday, January 1, 2011
REMEDIAL COURSE on Conspiracies 101 - Update
by Anne Kisly
The following information was taken from an article by Dr. Henry Lamb and is an update to our series, "REMEDIAL COURSE on: CONSPIRACY 101."
This ought to silence the scoffers who have been ridiculing those who have been warning about a New World Order/Global Governance.....the Feds Say Global Governance at "Critical Juncture"
Pundits and politicians who giggle and point fingers at people who dare refer to global governance display their ignorance, or their duplicity. The United States National Intelligence Council and the European Union's Institute for Security Studies has just released a report called: Global Governance 2025: At A Critical Juncture.
This 82-page document discusses quite openly the current status of global governance and the likelihood of global governance maturing into full-fledged global government. Those who scoff at the reality of global governance are to be pitied for their ignorance or despised for their duplicity. As Gustave Speth , former director of the World Resources Institute, and head of the U.N. Development Program, said in 1997:
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