INTRODUCTION: Look at what you see on the monitors here: the title for these Wednesday Night Teachings from the book of PROVERBS that we refer to as “WISDOM WEDNESDAYS”. Take that word WISDOM and chop it in half and add an ‘E’ to the ‘WIS’. Now take what’s left – the ‘DOM’ and add an ‘AIN’ and you get DOMAIN.
You'll be able to listen to this teaching presented at SHINE BRIGHT Church soon!
WISDOM: The DOMAIN, or the KINGDOM, or the NATION of the WISE.
And any nation or kingdom (the king’s domain) has a culture to it – but what exactly is a culture? And I’m not talking yogurt here!
“Culture is a concept that encompasses the social behavior, institutions and norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities and habits of the individuals that live in these domains.”
Our (social) behavior is to conform to the truth of Scripture; our institutions – such as marriage, family, church are all to follow the instruction we find in the holy revelation of GOD’s Word. The norm for the Christian’s culture is holiness and truth, grace and peace. Our beliefs, our knowledge, our laws are founded on the bedrock of the Bible. Our customs are inspired by the very heart of GOD as our own souls are conformed to His will and represent the artwork of GOD’s redemptive creativity.
Our habits and capabilities are empowered by the very Spirit of GOD.
So, in fact, this DOMAIN that we live in is a culture of WISDOM, and if we are indeed wise, we will conform to this CULTURE of JESUS and His Kingdom!
So let us turn in the holy revelation of GOD to:
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Friday, September 13, 2024
Thursday, September 5, 2024
"Let them praise the name of the LORD: for His Name alone is excellent; his glory [is] above the earth and heaven." PSALM 148:13
In the Old Testament a name would describe a person’s character, their nature) as much to identify them.
Nabal name means "fool," and his wife Abigail's explained to David: "…as his name is, so is he… folly is with him:" (1 SAM 25:25).
Isaac means “laughter” for when the LORD announced that Abram and Sarai would have a child when Abram was 100 years of age, Sarai laughed. I’m sure once the boy was born, they did a lot of laughing out of joy!
Jesus is from YHWH’shua – “Our GOD is salvation”
In the Old Testament a name would describe a person’s character, their nature) as much to identify them.
Nabal name means "fool," and his wife Abigail's explained to David: "…as his name is, so is he… folly is with him:" (1 SAM 25:25).
Isaac means “laughter” for when the LORD announced that Abram and Sarai would have a child when Abram was 100 years of age, Sarai laughed. I’m sure once the boy was born, they did a lot of laughing out of joy!
Jesus is from YHWH’shua – “Our GOD is salvation”
To hear this message, delivered at SHINE BRIGHT Church in Tucson, AZ check it out here!
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Friday, August 23, 2024
The G.E.P.C Study – GALATIANS 5 – PT. 3 of 3
Going Through Paul’s epistles to Galatia, Ephesus, Philippi, and Colossi
Introduction: We are all gardens of human souls, planting in the soils of our life different seeds, cultivating different kinds of crop. Some are sowing to their flesh and reaping corruption. Others are sowing to the Spirit and reaping everlasting life.
We ought always to take care of what sort of seed we are allowing into our lives. Every spoken word heard, every paragraph read – even song lyrics and film quotes will plant words into our minds, words that lead to ideas, ideas that lead to beliefs, beliefs that lead to action, action that leads to consequences.
We now complete the fifth chapter of GALATIANS and examine the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit:
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Introduction: We are all gardens of human souls, planting in the soils of our life different seeds, cultivating different kinds of crop. Some are sowing to their flesh and reaping corruption. Others are sowing to the Spirit and reaping everlasting life.
We ought always to take care of what sort of seed we are allowing into our lives. Every spoken word heard, every paragraph read – even song lyrics and film quotes will plant words into our minds, words that lead to ideas, ideas that lead to beliefs, beliefs that lead to action, action that leads to consequences.
We now complete the fifth chapter of GALATIANS and examine the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit:
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Tuesday, August 20, 2024
A PLOT OF THE NEFARIOUS KIND – Examining Satan’s Strategic Psychological Warfare Program – Part Two
INTRODUCTION: Satan as the master deceiver will play the part of any role, parading around on the stage of the mind of the one he intends to deceive.
So if one believes in ghosts and spiritual planes of higher existence, Satan will accommodate this and appear as their dearly departed at the foot of their bed, or at the table of a séance and speak comforting lies of a world without judgment and hell; only blissful planes of higher, heavenly realities.
If one holds the belief of aliens from another world, he will certainly appear as an otherworldly, hi-tech saucer type of craft, complete with aliens in order to draw a person into deeper deceptions and New Age dogmas. He will convey the appearance of benevolent alien races so advanced that they appear as gods, who will (and have, supposedly) guide our own human evolution into godhood.
If one has the conviction that the human spirit is powerful with all sorts of psychic abilities, then Satan will furnish such things through demonic agencies. The victim will believe that they possess these powers but will eventually find out that it’s the powers (and “spiritual wickedness in high places”; see EPH 6:12) that possesses them!
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So if one believes in ghosts and spiritual planes of higher existence, Satan will accommodate this and appear as their dearly departed at the foot of their bed, or at the table of a séance and speak comforting lies of a world without judgment and hell; only blissful planes of higher, heavenly realities.
If one holds the belief of aliens from another world, he will certainly appear as an otherworldly, hi-tech saucer type of craft, complete with aliens in order to draw a person into deeper deceptions and New Age dogmas. He will convey the appearance of benevolent alien races so advanced that they appear as gods, who will (and have, supposedly) guide our own human evolution into godhood.
If one has the conviction that the human spirit is powerful with all sorts of psychic abilities, then Satan will furnish such things through demonic agencies. The victim will believe that they possess these powers but will eventually find out that it’s the powers (and “spiritual wickedness in high places”; see EPH 6:12) that possesses them!
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Friday, August 9, 2024
(Excepted and modified from the TTUF study in 2 TIMOTHY)
INTRODUCTION: In this second chapter of Apostle Paul’s epistle to his protégé and son in the faith, Timothy, pastor of the church at Ephesus.
In this portion of this chapter we’ll venture into Paul’s admonition to Timothy regarding the elders and church leadership, that he will “…remind them of these things, charging them before the Lord not to strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers.”
He encourages Timothy to be diligent in the study of the Word, to shun babblings that are born of and encourages strife and contention among the church. The apostle addresses how the LORD will operate through those of His that are sanctified and usable and will refrain from using those not sanctified, that is those who don’t belong to GOD and further, pursue holiness.
He ends this section of his epistle with the manner and conduct of the servant of the LORD (vs. 24-25). So without any further delay, let’s get into these instructions and admonitions found in verses 11-18.
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INTRODUCTION: In this second chapter of Apostle Paul’s epistle to his protégé and son in the faith, Timothy, pastor of the church at Ephesus.
In this portion of this chapter we’ll venture into Paul’s admonition to Timothy regarding the elders and church leadership, that he will “…remind them of these things, charging them before the Lord not to strive about words to no profit, to the ruin of the hearers.”
He encourages Timothy to be diligent in the study of the Word, to shun babblings that are born of and encourages strife and contention among the church. The apostle addresses how the LORD will operate through those of His that are sanctified and usable and will refrain from using those not sanctified, that is those who don’t belong to GOD and further, pursue holiness.
He ends this section of his epistle with the manner and conduct of the servant of the LORD (vs. 24-25). So without any further delay, let’s get into these instructions and admonitions found in verses 11-18.
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Thursday, August 8, 2024
Watch the video here.
We are clearly in a day that majors in fulfilling the prophecy of 2 Timothy:4:3-4
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”
Examples abound. Many churches that profess to be Bible-believing fellowships do not live up to their claims. They say they believe in the inerrancy, the authority, and the sufficiency of the Word of God. However, in practice they have mixed what God has said with the so-called wisdom of mankind. Here’s how that plays out, starting with the sufficiency of the Scriptures.
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