29 – by James Fire
It was Samuel
Clemens, more popularly known as the gifted writer and speaker, Mark Twain who
“History doesn’t really repeat itself. . . but it does rhyme!”
“History doesn’t really repeat itself. . . but it does rhyme!”
And so we see here that Jacob is traveling the same familiar ground that Eliezer traveled when he returned to Abraham’s homeland in search for a suitable bride for Isaac. And remember the wonderful type we have there in GENESIS 24 where Abraham – a type of our Father GOD, sends Eliezer, a type of the Holy Spirit to his homeland in search for a suitable bride for his son, Isaac, a type of Christ, son of the Father – and the bride Rebekah is then a type of the church, the bride of Christ. Indeed, the Spirit of the LORD, sent by the Father throughout the world, leads those who become the church of born-again believers to Christ where they find eternal life and are a suitable bride for Christ!
Here Jacob is
running away from the consequences of his deeds done that involved deceiving
his father, obeying his scheming mother, supplanting his brother Esau (the very
name Jacob means “supplanter, heel-catcher [which he did when he was born,
catching the heel of Esau!]) in receiving that which GOD had promised already at
the birth of these twin sons (GEN 25:23). Now in Chapter 29 we are going
to witness some ‘pay back’ in one sense, but in another sense, the fulfillment
of the biblical principle of “reaping what we sow” (GAL 6:7).