"Yesterday’s conspiracy theories often become today’s incontrovertible facts." Not sure where this quote originated, but how true!
The misuse of the term "conspiracy" has become a tool for those who want the truth hidden from those being conspired against. The clear effect of terms such as "conspiracy theory" is meant to silence people who suspect a conspiracy may be happening. The misuse of the term is nothing more than a smokescreen that serves the interests of the guilty and powerful.
In 1993 a book was published called, "An Educational Abduction" by Brannon Howse. The book was about Outcome-Based Education, Goals 2000, America 2000, and Educational Indoctrination. The book uncovers an agenda and strategy to undermine the role of parents raising their own children, as Brannon rightly calls it, "An Educational Abduction," which I will get to in a minute.
As the world's elite powers unite to bring about a New World Order, government leaders, and educational elites continue to push legislation that literally seeks to change America from a free individual nation and erase our Judeo-Christian values. In order to achieve their goals the state educators continue to implement programs that are more about global attitudes, values and New Age religion, rather than academic achievement or cognitive knowledge. We've already seen this happen in the past several decades, and will continue to see even more outrageous legislation being passed in order to indoctrinate children to accept a new global standard, the one that the Antichrist will one day rule.
While this article exposes new legislation, which is old legislation revived, it is also an exhortation to a true commitment to Christ, and what we need to be doing as the days become more evil, and the coming of Christ draws ever closer.
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