This series is based on the book written by Paul R. Wilkerson UNDERSTANDING CHRISTIAN ZIONISM
Commentary provided by James Fire
What is Zionism? It is a term that is
often used disparagingly by some who think either that the people in
that land have no rights or claim to it, that they are not 'real
Jews' or that the Zionist agenda is at best a work of the flesh or at
worst satanic and not at all of God.
Others who adhere to amillennial
eschatology or its subsequent variations believe that the church is
'the new Israel' since the nation of the Jews have rejected their
TTUF adheres to a pre-millennial
eschatology, fully recognizes Israel, not necessarily for her own
claims, but because of the promises of God which He made to Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob, and the twelve tribes of Israel as recorded in
sacred Scripture.