(The following article is composed from sermon notes delivered at church on Aug. 28th 2011; neither the sermon nor this article is comprehensive, but is a summary treatment of this vast biblical subject of eschatology. There is enough information here to provide a basic understanding of “the last days”, “the Last Day”, the time of “Jacob’s Trouble” and related issues. It is the hope of TTUF that this will spur Christians into deeper and further study in this crucial issue and make the necessary spiritual preparations to meet our LORD JESUS CHRIST Who Returns Soon!)
A RAPTURE Scenario
~Another RAPTURE Scenario
Two questions:
1) Are we living in the Last Days?
2) What is meant by the expression “the Last Days”?
Note the expression: it’s the last days, plural not singular. There is something called the Last Day as well, and we must understand that the references to such doesn’t refer to a single 24 hr period, but a specified time frame or period, or an age. The Last Day is different than the last days; it refers to the time spoken of by both Isaiah and also Peter: it's the last age of this Earth which is the Millennial Reign of Christ, prior to the Great White Throne Judgment and then the eternal kingdom in the New Heavens and New Earth and the New Jerusalem!
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~Another RAPTURE Scenario
Two questions:
1) Are we living in the Last Days?
2) What is meant by the expression “the Last Days”?
Note the expression: it’s the last days, plural not singular. There is something called the Last Day as well, and we must understand that the references to such doesn’t refer to a single 24 hr period, but a specified time frame or period, or an age. The Last Day is different than the last days; it refers to the time spoken of by both Isaiah and also Peter: it's the last age of this Earth which is the Millennial Reign of Christ, prior to the Great White Throne Judgment and then the eternal kingdom in the New Heavens and New Earth and the New Jerusalem!