Death: it is the thing that we mortals seem to fear the most; Hamlet pondered it, and thought about whether “to be or not to be, that is the question” - a Shakespearean query about suicide, yet the young prince of Denmark was also apprehensive of what he would find in that “undiscovered country”.
We grieve and rage against the pain and seemingly unfair death of our loved ones. How many of us had wished we could have had one last moment of time with them to say goodbye (especially if our last words with them were less than kind!).
This film plays on the angst and sorrowful frustration of these teenagers who were stunned and mystified by the apparent suicide of their dear friend, Debbie; particularly her best friend, Laine who desired just such an encounter with their dearly departed.
Below is a plot summary of the film itself:
Everything is set in motion when two little girls play a Ouija board (just for fun) with the ground rules being: 1) Never play alone 2) Never play in a grave yard and 3) Always say 'Goodbye' before ending the game. This source of 'entertainment' established an emotional bond between the two girls and later, one of them finds an antique board in the attic of her old house: the teenage golden girl Debbie (Shelley Hennig) makes the cardinal mistake of playing it alone (and unbeknownst to her, is doing it in a 'grave yard' as there is a corpse hidden in a secret room in the basement. She not surprisingly winds up dead shortly thereafter, an apparent suicide, and her grieving friends decide to attempt to contact her in the (so called) 'time-honored tradition'.
The group, led by the intrepid Laine (Olivia Cooke), seems to hit pay dirt at first, getting in contact with a spirit calling itself "DZ" which moves the planchette under the fingers of all the teens gathered and spells out “HI FRIEND”. But afterward things become spookier when each receives the same message, in various forms: one on his bicycle going down a darkened tunnel hears the tapping and scratching of chalk on stone wall; another sees these words on a car window covered in dew (and then a claw like hand smacks the window from inside the vehicle); another sees those words scratched into the top of his wooden desk and then last of the four friends sees it on a flashing computer screen.
And the spirit soon turns murderous, dispatching it's victims in gruesome ways like levitating one of the girls into the air and then send her headlong crashing against the bathroom sink, killing her on impact; another being pushed into a swimming pool by invisible forces and drowns: floundering helplessly in the pool cover; another seems simply taken over by the spirit and his heart stops.
Laine's search for answers leads her to a former resident of Debbie's home, Paulina (Lin Shaye) now confined in a forbidding mental institution. The elderly woman informs her that the spirit she and her friends contacted was not in fact Debbie, but rather her own little sister, Doris Zander (DZ) who was used by their mother, a practicing medium as a conduit by which she was able to communicate with the dead and herself a victim of possession by evil spirits.
The solution to this demonic dilemma as portrayed in this film is hardly viable as we shall see.
"Do not go seeking answers from the dead," warns Laine's grandmother at one point in the film. That advice naturally goes unheeded by the reckless teens. (This summary is largely based on the review from: The HOLLYWOOD Reporter).
There were quite a few paranormal and 'spooky' films in the previews prior to the feature film, and many, many more to come as one scans the Internet; a movie released a little over a year ago was just such fare (as can be expected the rest of this year and next) called The Lords of Salem
What struck me about this film was not the situation of such fearful circumstances – the 'real deal' is of course far, far scarier than any Hollywood production could ever hope to capture (though the film, The Exorcist did come rather close) but the supposed solution to end the rampage of the vengeful spirits. What Laine was counseled to do by her grandmother was to take both the board and the decrepit body of the long deceased little girl Doris (found in a secret room in the basement of Debbie's house) and burn both of them together in order to “break the connection” to the evil spirits (which she eventually succeeds (apparently) in doing, with the help of Debbie's apparition that appears at the end of the film to lend aid in sending the malevolent Doris back to where she belongs along with the host of demonic spirits that control her).
There was absolutely no sign of a Bible, or the mention or pleading for help from God, not even the typical Roman Catholic priest with some 'holy water' – nothing of the kind was seen any where in this film. To solve the problem of these invading, violent spirits, the girls (Laine and her younger sister Sarah) had to take matters into their own hands. In a vain attempt to learn more about the demons, the board was further used as a means to obtain such information and possibly end the cycle of death.
On the outside this might seem like a rational solution to the common person; just as you would use a key to open a door, that same key must be used to lock it again – but in the spiritual domain such thinking is an abject disaster!
Not only was the board used to explore these forbidden realms, but the planchette (the somewhat triangular shaped device with a circular crystal in the middle that's moved by the spirits to spell words out on the board) is held up to the eye by Laine and then she can see into 'the other side'. The imagery of her eye looking through the round crystal of the planchette was not wasted on me: the stark resemblance of the All Seeing Eye and Pyramid was unmistakable. That is another image (as well as Ouija boards appearing on backpacks, clothing and candy tins) that is being proliferated every where we see. The Eye over the Pyramid is an ancient symbol used by the Illuminati as well as the Gnostics before them, and even older esoteric societies founded in antiquity.
This is a recurring theme in today's culture, and such images are printed upon clothes, back packs, even candy tins are not without purpose. It seems that those of the secret/esoteric orders and societies are quite motivated to seeing the populace accustomed to such things as our culture is nudged deeper into occult theologies found not only in schools, social networks of various kinds, the entertainment industry in films and music but even in our churches!
The actual solution to 'breaking connection' with demonic spirits will be examined momentarily; if any one who has read this article and the links contained therein have experimented with the spirit board known as the Ouija, or other occult forms of divination and believe that they may have obtained demonic influences over themselves or others that they know, please understand that there is freedom from Satan's oppression and possession! You can in fact be freed from such enslavement.
Previously in the first article (Say NO, NO To OUIJA) we examined why any such communication with the supposed dead is forbidden by the LORD God; precisely because the departed souls of this world are no longer here in this world, nor can there be any contact between the living and the dead, but are confined to that place of waiting (Hades) until the judgment and any such communication is actually between the living and demonic spirits merely masquerading as the dearly departed:
It is believed in various pagan cultures that the time of Samhain (what we know today as Halloween) is the time of year in which “the veil between the living and the dead” is at its thinnest. Halloween may be a time of trick or treats for children who love to dress up in costume and 'haunt' from house to house in search of candy and other treats, but it is also a time of darkness, and a day recognized by many belief systems as one of the most spiritual times (read that demonic) of the year.
This is probably why Ouija boards are enjoying higher sales this time of year and why so many embark in the 'exciting and adventurous' experience of participating in seances, tarot cards and spirit boards. Here is an article from the blog by Belle Ringer, SALVATION and SURVIVAL entitled The FRIGHTENING MIX OF HALLOWEEN, OUIJA and the SOULS of the DEAD.
For a Q & A with Greg Reid*, a born again Christian pastor, expert speaker and author on the occult and spiritual warfare about The DANGERS of the OCCULT visit this page.
*We asked for some input by Greg Reid in part I of this article regarding the Ouija board as well as some general questions regarding demonic activity.
It is for the reasons outlined above in the article and interview both of which underscore the biblical commands to have nothing to do with the spiritual darkness that we expressly admonish all Christians to abstain from being involved, even in the so-called more 'innocent' aspects of Halloween, and everything that has come to be associated with it.
In the OUIJA film, a slogan used in previews and advertisement is “Keep telling yourself that its just a game”. Obviously this lends to the suggestion that this board is anything but a game, and this suggestion is absolutely correct! We covered in the first article that the Ouija, a spirit board, has been a tool of the occult for thousands of years in many different cultures and has been banned by some countries when their dangers became known! While it's packaged as a game (formerly by Parker Bros and now Hasbro) and chances are that the majority of those who 'play the game' may do so with no obvious and immediate ill effects (not to suggest that there aren't significant long term effects that are highly detrimental to the soul), however there are those who will experience such and discover to their dismay that demonic and Satanic forces are all too real. And malevolent!
Skeptics might say that if such spiritual forces are real then why don't demons possess and, or attack us humans on a regular basis? Why are they so secretive and covert*, engaging themselves in some supposed guerrilla warfare? There are many that scoff at the idea of the Ouija (and things in general regarding the occult) being demonically empowered, and those who engage in such things are in spiritual danger. Many believe that the subconscious mind is the prime motivator of these things and ridicule the notion of “the devil made me do it”. Such ideas have been expressed by people who wrote comments about the Ouija film.
I'm persuaded that Satan's hatred of the human race is so volatile and intense that if he could, he would destroy us all, but its quite reasonable to assume that the LORD God has established His drawn lines around the human race (such as He has done for Job; see JOB 1:10) for our protection, but these barriers may be broken if we participate in 'gateways' or channels by which we might breach those protections to reach into spiritual darkness – such as involvement in the occult (even simply reading palms, getting one's fortune read, tarot cards, horoscopes, and other seemingly harmless activities); which is why the Bible warns against such things!
*Such covert activity is more common in our Western culture, however if you visit the Far East or in substantial tribal societies in Africa or South America where blatant spiritual activity is witnessed on a regular basis and the dire hopelessness of people there that are enslaved to the demonic, you will have a far greater perspective on the reality of these things!
From the web site BIBLE KNOWLEDGE we have the following article: DANGERS of the OUIJA BOARD:
(Note: this link is provided for the purpose of documentation regarding the use of the Ouija which resulted in potential spiritual and demonic activity and we at TTUF do not necessarily agree with claims made by various psychiatrists, sociologists and Roman Catholic priests)
The boy possessed by demonic spirits was introduced to the Ouija board by his aunt who was a spiritualist.
Some who would dread using a Ouija board and contact the dead or demons might find another spirit board more to their liking; would you believe that they have 'Angel Boards' now? I don't know of any verse in the Bible where an angel used any device, much less a board that even remotely resembled a spirit board. Regardless, the beings contacted by the Ouija are actually angels . . . of the fallen sort, that followed Satan in his rebellion against God! So it really makes no difference at all what the board is called, does it?
My great concern for people, Christians and non-Christians alike, is that after seeing this film (and if you are a Christian, why are you seeking films like this for entertainment?!) their curiosity might be aroused, and they will venture to 'play the game' and perhaps open a door that they will not be able to close, or use such lame techniques as demonstrated in the film in an attempt to rid themselves of unwanted demonic attention. I would admonish any who are reading this article to stay away from the Ouija board, and any other form of occult devices, books, films, etc. Again, not everyone who engages is such things will encounter or become influenced by demonic spirits, but its a spiritual form of 'Russian Roulette' and so, why take a chance?
If you are not yet persuaded that the Ouija is dangerous or at the very least something that you should leave well enough alone, perhaps this article will prove worthy of your read; this is written by Marcia Montenegro, a former astrologer who is now a Christian and an impeccable researcher:
(Please take note of the accompanying links found in the gray box under the image of the Ouija board and consider reading these as well!)
Now for those of you who have already engaged in the occult, and have, to your dismay discovered that you have been invaded by a malevolent mind of otherworldly domain and to your horror found out yourself that demons (and Satan) are all too real:
The Bible speaks of Satan a.k.a. The Devil in terms that expresses him as an actual person (not a force or a 'collective conscience' of the cumulative evil of man's own making), but an angelic being that has fallen from his holy station in heaven, and has become the chief adversary of mankind, seeking our destruction and attempting to ruin human souls chances of finding redemption in the LORD Jesus Christ.
The Bible is indeed the Word of God, the Word of Truth and its teachings are entirely reliable; one of the primary methods of determining this is what is known as prophecy – the plan of God outlined in advance, describing future events in detail before they occur. There are many web sites that are dedicated to apologetics (defending the faith and support of the Bible as the very Word of God) and lots of pages from these sites such as these from C.A.R.M. (Christian Apologetics and Research ministry)
Jesus Christ is the Word Incarnate, that is God made flesh; He came into this sinful world to declare to us God's Word, to preach the Gospel and ultimately to die for the sins of mankind; He resurrected from the dead, having paid the penalty for sin that was our debt owed to the holy God, and has established the Kingdom for us to enter into as citizens and children of God, by means of the spiritual new birth (JOHN 3:3-5).
Here is a video by Ray Comfort of Living Waters ministry as he explains to his interviewee, Kevin all about the Gospel:
The power of Jesus Christ is well able to “break the connection” not only to demonic spirits but from the even deadlier power of sin; consider this – sin is such a powerful force of evil that it took no one less than God the Son, to come here in flesh and blood to vanquish it! You and I are powerless to defeat sin or demons for that matter. There is NOTHING we can do to help ourselves or others. Its only through Jesus Christ that we find deliverance from evil.
He is LORD over all the power of the enemy:
He is the Savior of all the world:
There is coming a day when all the world will be judged by Jesus Christ (JOHN 5:26-27) which includes the angelic race as much as the human race; this means that one day Satan will be judged and sentenced to gehenna (hell, the lake of fire) as its chiefest prisoner; hell was never nor ever will be the domain of Satan's rule. All of the kingdom of darkness under Satan's command will be sentenced there as well. Those who follow Satan's lead either by engaging in occult or Satanic practices, or simply attempting to gain entrance into heaven by any means other than through Jesus Christ (by religion, self effort, or any other way) will likewise be sentenced there, bearing the penalty for their own sin because they rejected Jesus Christ Who willingly bore our sins for us.
Instead of engaging the spirits from the Ouija, why not engage the Spirit of the LORD by opening up His Word and pray to Him, asking for Him to reveal the truth to you? If you are sincere and genuinely seek Him, the Bible promises you will find Him (JERE. 29:13)!
If you find that you are in need and desire help either in understanding the Gospel or believe that you need deliverance from the power of Satan, please contact me via email:
Laine's search for answers leads her to a former resident of Debbie's home, Paulina (Lin Shaye) now confined in a forbidding mental institution. The elderly woman informs her that the spirit she and her friends contacted was not in fact Debbie, but rather her own little sister, Doris Zander (DZ) who was used by their mother, a practicing medium as a conduit by which she was able to communicate with the dead and herself a victim of possession by evil spirits.
The solution to this demonic dilemma as portrayed in this film is hardly viable as we shall see.
"Do not go seeking answers from the dead," warns Laine's grandmother at one point in the film. That advice naturally goes unheeded by the reckless teens. (This summary is largely based on the review from: The HOLLYWOOD Reporter).
There were quite a few paranormal and 'spooky' films in the previews prior to the feature film, and many, many more to come as one scans the Internet; a movie released a little over a year ago was just such fare (as can be expected the rest of this year and next) called The Lords of Salem
What struck me about this film was not the situation of such fearful circumstances – the 'real deal' is of course far, far scarier than any Hollywood production could ever hope to capture (though the film, The Exorcist did come rather close) but the supposed solution to end the rampage of the vengeful spirits. What Laine was counseled to do by her grandmother was to take both the board and the decrepit body of the long deceased little girl Doris (found in a secret room in the basement of Debbie's house) and burn both of them together in order to “break the connection” to the evil spirits (which she eventually succeeds (apparently) in doing, with the help of Debbie's apparition that appears at the end of the film to lend aid in sending the malevolent Doris back to where she belongs along with the host of demonic spirits that control her).
There was absolutely no sign of a Bible, or the mention or pleading for help from God, not even the typical Roman Catholic priest with some 'holy water' – nothing of the kind was seen any where in this film. To solve the problem of these invading, violent spirits, the girls (Laine and her younger sister Sarah) had to take matters into their own hands. In a vain attempt to learn more about the demons, the board was further used as a means to obtain such information and possibly end the cycle of death.
On the outside this might seem like a rational solution to the common person; just as you would use a key to open a door, that same key must be used to lock it again – but in the spiritual domain such thinking is an abject disaster!
Not only was the board used to explore these forbidden realms, but the planchette (the somewhat triangular shaped device with a circular crystal in the middle that's moved by the spirits to spell words out on the board) is held up to the eye by Laine and then she can see into 'the other side'. The imagery of her eye looking through the round crystal of the planchette was not wasted on me: the stark resemblance of the All Seeing Eye and Pyramid was unmistakable. That is another image (as well as Ouija boards appearing on backpacks, clothing and candy tins) that is being proliferated every where we see. The Eye over the Pyramid is an ancient symbol used by the Illuminati as well as the Gnostics before them, and even older esoteric societies founded in antiquity.
This is a recurring theme in today's culture, and such images are printed upon clothes, back packs, even candy tins are not without purpose. It seems that those of the secret/esoteric orders and societies are quite motivated to seeing the populace accustomed to such things as our culture is nudged deeper into occult theologies found not only in schools, social networks of various kinds, the entertainment industry in films and music but even in our churches!
The actual solution to 'breaking connection' with demonic spirits will be examined momentarily; if any one who has read this article and the links contained therein have experimented with the spirit board known as the Ouija, or other occult forms of divination and believe that they may have obtained demonic influences over themselves or others that they know, please understand that there is freedom from Satan's oppression and possession! You can in fact be freed from such enslavement.
Previously in the first article (Say NO, NO To OUIJA) we examined why any such communication with the supposed dead is forbidden by the LORD God; precisely because the departed souls of this world are no longer here in this world, nor can there be any contact between the living and the dead, but are confined to that place of waiting (Hades) until the judgment and any such communication is actually between the living and demonic spirits merely masquerading as the dearly departed:
5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.
6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.
(See also: 2 COR. 11:14; LUKE 16:24; DEUT. 18:11)It is believed in various pagan cultures that the time of Samhain (what we know today as Halloween) is the time of year in which “the veil between the living and the dead” is at its thinnest. Halloween may be a time of trick or treats for children who love to dress up in costume and 'haunt' from house to house in search of candy and other treats, but it is also a time of darkness, and a day recognized by many belief systems as one of the most spiritual times (read that demonic) of the year.
This is probably why Ouija boards are enjoying higher sales this time of year and why so many embark in the 'exciting and adventurous' experience of participating in seances, tarot cards and spirit boards. Here is an article from the blog by Belle Ringer, SALVATION and SURVIVAL entitled The FRIGHTENING MIX OF HALLOWEEN, OUIJA and the SOULS of the DEAD.
For a Q & A with Greg Reid*, a born again Christian pastor, expert speaker and author on the occult and spiritual warfare about The DANGERS of the OCCULT visit this page.
*We asked for some input by Greg Reid in part I of this article regarding the Ouija board as well as some general questions regarding demonic activity.
It is for the reasons outlined above in the article and interview both of which underscore the biblical commands to have nothing to do with the spiritual darkness that we expressly admonish all Christians to abstain from being involved, even in the so-called more 'innocent' aspects of Halloween, and everything that has come to be associated with it.
In the OUIJA film, a slogan used in previews and advertisement is “Keep telling yourself that its just a game”. Obviously this lends to the suggestion that this board is anything but a game, and this suggestion is absolutely correct! We covered in the first article that the Ouija, a spirit board, has been a tool of the occult for thousands of years in many different cultures and has been banned by some countries when their dangers became known! While it's packaged as a game (formerly by Parker Bros and now Hasbro) and chances are that the majority of those who 'play the game' may do so with no obvious and immediate ill effects (not to suggest that there aren't significant long term effects that are highly detrimental to the soul), however there are those who will experience such and discover to their dismay that demonic and Satanic forces are all too real. And malevolent!
Skeptics might say that if such spiritual forces are real then why don't demons possess and, or attack us humans on a regular basis? Why are they so secretive and covert*, engaging themselves in some supposed guerrilla warfare? There are many that scoff at the idea of the Ouija (and things in general regarding the occult) being demonically empowered, and those who engage in such things are in spiritual danger. Many believe that the subconscious mind is the prime motivator of these things and ridicule the notion of “the devil made me do it”. Such ideas have been expressed by people who wrote comments about the Ouija film.
I'm persuaded that Satan's hatred of the human race is so volatile and intense that if he could, he would destroy us all, but its quite reasonable to assume that the LORD God has established His drawn lines around the human race (such as He has done for Job; see JOB 1:10) for our protection, but these barriers may be broken if we participate in 'gateways' or channels by which we might breach those protections to reach into spiritual darkness – such as involvement in the occult (even simply reading palms, getting one's fortune read, tarot cards, horoscopes, and other seemingly harmless activities); which is why the Bible warns against such things!
*Such covert activity is more common in our Western culture, however if you visit the Far East or in substantial tribal societies in Africa or South America where blatant spiritual activity is witnessed on a regular basis and the dire hopelessness of people there that are enslaved to the demonic, you will have a far greater perspective on the reality of these things!
From the web site BIBLE KNOWLEDGE we have the following article: DANGERS of the OUIJA BOARD:
“For those of you who want to see just how dangerous and deadly this occult device really is, I would highly recommend that you read this book: “The Ouija Board – A Doorway to the Occult” by Edmond C. Gruss.Also from the: EVANGELICAL OUTREACH web site:
In this book are real, live, documented cases of people who literally drew in evil demonic spirits in their lives as a result of engaging with the Ouija board – and in many of these cases, these demons actually entered into the person’s body.
This device is so deadly and dangerous, that even many mediums will not try and dabble with it. Mediums are those people who will try and contact the dead for the people who want to make contact with them. They conduct what are called basic seances.
The Bible tells us that we are not allowed to communicate with the dead and that if we try and do it, God will set His face against us.
This kind of occult activity is a complete and utter abomination before the Lord and none of His children are to try and dabble in it in any way, shape, or form. Please refer to our article 'Dangers of the Occult' in the Spiritual Warfare section for the specific verses on this topic.”
“Some critics contend that such contact is inherently dangerous, and that any beings who communicate through such a device are likely to be demonic and attempt to possess the user .... The entity Seth, popularized by the writings of Jane Roberts in the 1960s and 1970s, initiated his communication with Roberts through a Ouija board. The communication then rapidly progressed to direct automatic writing with a pen and then into a trance mediumship in which Seth allegedly used Roberts' vocal cords to speak.Further, the well renowned film, The Exorcist was based on a novel by William Blatty of the same title and based on a true life case study, which you can read about on wikipedia at the following link, The Exorcism of Roland Doe.
The Ouija also served as the initial means of communication with alleged spirits of the dead in 1913 for Pearl Curran (see WORTH, PATIENCE), and in 1919 for Stewart Edward White and his wife, Betty. The Whites spent 17 years studying Betty's mediumship with a group of discarnate beings who called themselves "the Invisibles." After initial contact was made through the Ouija, Betty began using automatic writing and then trance mediumship, in which the spirits allegedly used her own vocal cords.(4)”
(Note: this link is provided for the purpose of documentation regarding the use of the Ouija which resulted in potential spiritual and demonic activity and we at TTUF do not necessarily agree with claims made by various psychiatrists, sociologists and Roman Catholic priests)
The boy possessed by demonic spirits was introduced to the Ouija board by his aunt who was a spiritualist.
Some who would dread using a Ouija board and contact the dead or demons might find another spirit board more to their liking; would you believe that they have 'Angel Boards' now? I don't know of any verse in the Bible where an angel used any device, much less a board that even remotely resembled a spirit board. Regardless, the beings contacted by the Ouija are actually angels . . . of the fallen sort, that followed Satan in his rebellion against God! So it really makes no difference at all what the board is called, does it?
My great concern for people, Christians and non-Christians alike, is that after seeing this film (and if you are a Christian, why are you seeking films like this for entertainment?!) their curiosity might be aroused, and they will venture to 'play the game' and perhaps open a door that they will not be able to close, or use such lame techniques as demonstrated in the film in an attempt to rid themselves of unwanted demonic attention. I would admonish any who are reading this article to stay away from the Ouija board, and any other form of occult devices, books, films, etc. Again, not everyone who engages is such things will encounter or become influenced by demonic spirits, but its a spiritual form of 'Russian Roulette' and so, why take a chance?
If you are not yet persuaded that the Ouija is dangerous or at the very least something that you should leave well enough alone, perhaps this article will prove worthy of your read; this is written by Marcia Montenegro, a former astrologer who is now a Christian and an impeccable researcher:
(Please take note of the accompanying links found in the gray box under the image of the Ouija board and consider reading these as well!)
Now for those of you who have already engaged in the occult, and have, to your dismay discovered that you have been invaded by a malevolent mind of otherworldly domain and to your horror found out yourself that demons (and Satan) are all too real:
The Bible speaks of Satan a.k.a. The Devil in terms that expresses him as an actual person (not a force or a 'collective conscience' of the cumulative evil of man's own making), but an angelic being that has fallen from his holy station in heaven, and has become the chief adversary of mankind, seeking our destruction and attempting to ruin human souls chances of finding redemption in the LORD Jesus Christ.
The Bible is indeed the Word of God, the Word of Truth and its teachings are entirely reliable; one of the primary methods of determining this is what is known as prophecy – the plan of God outlined in advance, describing future events in detail before they occur. There are many web sites that are dedicated to apologetics (defending the faith and support of the Bible as the very Word of God) and lots of pages from these sites such as these from C.A.R.M. (Christian Apologetics and Research ministry)
Jesus Christ is the Word Incarnate, that is God made flesh; He came into this sinful world to declare to us God's Word, to preach the Gospel and ultimately to die for the sins of mankind; He resurrected from the dead, having paid the penalty for sin that was our debt owed to the holy God, and has established the Kingdom for us to enter into as citizens and children of God, by means of the spiritual new birth (JOHN 3:3-5).
Here is a video by Ray Comfort of Living Waters ministry as he explains to his interviewee, Kevin all about the Gospel:
The power of Jesus Christ is well able to “break the connection” not only to demonic spirits but from the even deadlier power of sin; consider this – sin is such a powerful force of evil that it took no one less than God the Son, to come here in flesh and blood to vanquish it! You and I are powerless to defeat sin or demons for that matter. There is NOTHING we can do to help ourselves or others. Its only through Jesus Christ that we find deliverance from evil.
He is LORD over all the power of the enemy:
LUKE 4:33-35
33 And in the synagogue there was a man, which had a spirit of an unclean devil, and cried out with a loud voice,
34 Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art; the Holy One of God.
35 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the devil had thrown him in the midst, he came out of him, and hurt him not.
He is the Savior of all the world:
1 JOHN 2:1-2
My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:
2 And he is the propitiation [satisfactory payment] for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
He is the only Way to heaven where the Father dwells:
JOHN 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
There is coming a day when all the world will be judged by Jesus Christ (JOHN 5:26-27) which includes the angelic race as much as the human race; this means that one day Satan will be judged and sentenced to gehenna (hell, the lake of fire) as its chiefest prisoner; hell was never nor ever will be the domain of Satan's rule. All of the kingdom of darkness under Satan's command will be sentenced there as well. Those who follow Satan's lead either by engaging in occult or Satanic practices, or simply attempting to gain entrance into heaven by any means other than through Jesus Christ (by religion, self effort, or any other way) will likewise be sentenced there, bearing the penalty for their own sin because they rejected Jesus Christ Who willingly bore our sins for us.
Instead of engaging the spirits from the Ouija, why not engage the Spirit of the LORD by opening up His Word and pray to Him, asking for Him to reveal the truth to you? If you are sincere and genuinely seek Him, the Bible promises you will find Him (JERE. 29:13)!
MATTHEW 11:27-30
27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him. 28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
If you find that you are in need and desire help either in understanding the Gospel or believe that you need deliverance from the power of Satan, please contact me via email:
For more of this, check out REVIVAL Of EVIL with Dave Hunt and Walter Martin!
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