DEUTERONOMY 9: “Stubborn Sin vs. Sanctified Security” by James Fire; check out the SHINE BRIGHT Church teaching by Sonny Islas here!
INTRODUCTION: We have a contrast between the faithfulness of GOD and the unfaithfulness of man. GOD can be expected to keep His Word, to remain faithful to His promises and oaths (HEB 6:13-18), while we who are weak specks of dust are prone to failure and lacking in integrity. But we have every hope that keeps us secure in that the Spirit of GOD is able to work through us the nature of JESUS, which we experience in the new man.
The LORD in this chapter reminds Israel of their unfaithfulness and even outright rebellion as well as His faithfulness despite them. He also promises to be with them as they confront the Canaanites and conquer them by faith in and obedience to the LORD.
Just as they crossed the river Jordan and into a new life, not as Hebrew slaves, but as the nation of GOD, children of Abraham – we too have entered into new life in Christ. We, like Israel will meet new and different challenges we’ve never experienced before, but our LORD has gone ahead and prepared the way for our victory, and all He asks of us is hearts of loving obedience that will follow wherever He leads!
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