~~article and commentary
by James Fire
It is my distinct pleasure and honor to bring to you today, my own personal commentary for a book that has so blessed and encouraged me, that upon reading its mere introduction, I knew that I would have to publish an article on TTUF about it!
Just to whet your appetite for this work that is “wholly valiant for the truth” check out these quotes (and these are just from the introduction!):
“The church’s duty has always been to confront such skepticism and answer it by clearly proclaiming the truth God has revealed in His Word. We have been given a clear message for the purpose of confronting the world’s unbelief. That is what we are called, commanded, and commissioned to do (1 COR 1:17-31).
Faithfulness to Christ demands it. The honor of God requires it. We cannot sit by and do nothing while worldly, revisionist, and skeptical attitudes about truth are infiltrating the church. We must not embrace such confusion in the name of charity, collegiality or unity. We have to stand and fight for the truth – and be prepared to die for it – as faithful Christians always have.” Pg. xvii
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Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
How Can We Not Know?
by A.M. Kisly
How man strives to build his own kingdom instead of God’s Kingdom? How man seeks to be exalted instead of exalting the Creator of all things? How man desires to fulfill his own will rather than the will of God?
There are so many examples throughout the ages that have shown the error of willful disobedience. From Adam to the present age, man’s hearts have proven to be desperately wicked, filled with pride and arrogance, easily enticed and deceived by Satan.
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How man strives to build his own kingdom instead of God’s Kingdom? How man seeks to be exalted instead of exalting the Creator of all things? How man desires to fulfill his own will rather than the will of God?
There are so many examples throughout the ages that have shown the error of willful disobedience. From Adam to the present age, man’s hearts have proven to be desperately wicked, filled with pride and arrogance, easily enticed and deceived by Satan.
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Friday, April 16, 2010
This just in from'The Hal Lindsey Report'
On this week's edition of "The Hal Lindsey Report": This week, President Obama hosted the largest gathering of heads of state in the US since the founding of the UN in San Francisco in 1945. He convened the "Nuclear Security Summit." Ostensibly, the goal of the summit was to encourage nations to secure their stockpiles of nuclear materials and weapons to keep them out of the hands of terrorists and rogue states.
However, word leaked out that Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, and Pakistan were planning to ambush Israel to demand that it declare its nuclear weapons arsenal. Some suspect the US was even in on the plan. So Israeli PM Netanyahu decided to skip the summit and foil the plot. Since the media was mostly banned from covering the summit sessions, we'll never know for certain if that was indeed the plan or what the summit actually accomplished.
It should be obvious to everyone by now that President Obama isn't exactly going to be Israel's best friend. In fact, he seems to consistently sympathize with the Arab/Muslim/Palestinian cause. I've wondered, "Why is the White House more outraged at an Israeli plan to build apartment buildings in Jerusalem that it is over the Iranian plan to build nuclear weapons?" I believe the reason is that Mr. Obama views Israel as the CAUSE of the Arab-Israeli conflict. That should come as no surprise, though. Anti-Semitism was a theme of his pastor for 20 years. He must have heard something he liked or agreed with else why would he have stayed in the church for two decades?
Evidence is leaking out that the US may be trying to freeze out Israel's nuclear establishment. Israeli scientists say they are now having difficulty obtaining visas to come to America to study at our universities and attend conferences and symposiums. Further, some of those scientists believe the US has imposed an unofficial embargo on parts and supplies for Israel's aging, French-built nuclear reactor at Dimona. One of the major factors contributing to Israel's survival for the last 60 years in a very tough neighborhood is its policy of "nuclear ambiguity." Do they or do they not have nuclear weapons? That doubt (and the Israelis' infamous "Samson Option") is precisely why the surrounding quarter of a billion Arab Muslims have not tried another invasion for the past 35 years. It now appears, though, that the US is taking steps to force Israel into signing the Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty and revealing its strengths... or weaknesses.
The White House has devised a new plan for peace in Israel -- one that it intends to IMPOSE on the tiny nation. I'll cover the details on the show, but suffice it to say that portions of the plan reveal the President's shallow understanding of the dynamics at work. Or, it may imply that he does understand and it simply fits into a more sinister plan for the region.
The Prime Minister of Malaysia recently castigated the Muslim world for not having a plan for "final victory" in Palestine. That's ominous. Anytime I hear the word "final" used in connection with Israel's future, certain images spring to mind. And trust me, those images are not far off the mark this time, either.
All of this has a familiar ring, doesn't it? It sounds exactly like the solution the prophet Daniel predicted for Israel in the days just before the true Messiah returns. And though I don't believe the stars of the final act are onstage yet, I think the present actors are moving things in the prophesied direction.
Finally, I want to share a couple of thoughts on the occasion of the tragic death of Poland's president, along with his wife and many leaders from that great country. Lech Kaczynski was a valued ally of America. And, as you know, we don't have many of those left.
The Hal Lindsey Report
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by A.M. Kisly
This week’s news has brought a new level of awareness of the times that we are living in. What takes my breath away is the speed in which the events are happening; that they are happening before our very eyes; and that they are in fact leading us to a one world system of government; where the Anti-Christ will set himself up before the whole world to be worshipped.
More and more we see a full out war on Biblical Christianity. Just as early as this morning I read that a Federal District Court Judge ruled that the National Day of Prayer is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Read Article: National Day of Prayer ruled unconstitutional
Some of you may be thinking that it’s no big deal, that we have been here before, that it will be overturned….maybe so, but I would repeat the words of Jesus when he says….be not deceived...We are now living in a day where good is evil and evil is now good.
The Biblical standards on which the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were written are quickly being shredded before our eyes. It is just a matter of time before the entire national landscape is completely changed, and not for the better.
Last year we were all infuriated by the Homeland Security report that suggested that Christians could be classified as a domestic terrorist threat. Well, if that took the wind out of your sails, wait until you hear this:
Exclusive: World’s ‘Most Dangerous Islamist’ Alive, Well, and Living in Pennsylvania This report is unbelievable! The fact that we have terrorists living in this country at all is shocking, but to have our government remain silent on the issue, and allow it, well that's more than insane, it's highly suspicious!
Excerpts taken from the article: “Meet the most dangerous Islamist in the world. According to the report, his name is Fethullah Gulen. He is neither Afghani nor Arab. He comes from neither Sudan nor Somalia. And he resides in neither the mountains of Pakistan nor the deserts of the Palestinian territories.
This individual has toppled the secular government of Turkey and established madrassahs throughout the world. His schools indoctrinate children in the tenets of radical Islam and prepare adolescents for the Islamization of the world.
More than 90 of these madrassahs have been established as charter schools throughout the United States. They are funded by American taxpayers. One of these charter schools – Tarek ibn Zayed Academy (TiZA) in Minnesota – is so radically Islamic and subversive in nature that the Minnesota Department of Education issued two citations against it and the American Civil Liberties Union is suing it.
Dozens of his universities, including the Faith University in Istanbul, train young men to become lawyers, accountants, and political leaders so that they can take an active part in the restoration of the Ottoman Empire and the Islamization of the Western World. He also allegedly operates compounds to train jihadists in the tactics of guerilla warfare. This individual has amassed a fortune – over $30 billion – for the creation of a universal caliphate.
His name is Fethullah Gulen and he resides not in the wilds of southern Turkey – but the mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania.”
Read Article: World’s ‘Most Dangerous Islamist’ Alive, Well, and Living in Pennsylvania
“Why has the federal government opted to turn a blind eye to Gulen and his mountain fortress? Why have Gulen’s madrassahs been kept under the radar screen of Hoimeland Security? Why have the CIA and FBI allowed Gulen to wreak havoc and topple secular governments without interruption or intervention?
The questions beg answers.” Food for thought: It is inconceivable to me how a man like this is not only allowed in the United States, but actually lives in the U.S……this just goes to show how trustworthy our government officials are...NOT!
In my opinion this war on terrorism is a joke! To me it’s all about creating chaos in order to gain control over the people of this nation and the world; all the laws passed post 9/11 (that we so naively thought were created for our safety) are nothing more than a smokescreen to bring us to where we are today: a country losing its rights, its freedoms, its sovereignty and any future we might have as a nation, provided the Lord tarries – God forbid!
This brings me to the next article I read this week…. ARMY REPORT SAYS CHRISTIANS THREATEN US FOREIGN POLICY While our government is busy trying to destroy the foundations of our country: our Constitution; our freedoms; our economy; our right to live; our right to pray, there is something more sinister brewing...
A march to stomp out Christianity. Reports and policies are being written suggesting that Christians are a national threat; that we are a threat to foreign policy, to the military; they are declaring Bible believing Christians to be not only domestic terrorists, but international terrorists as well!?
This report actually takes us to the next dangerous level. While known terrorists are allowed to live and prosper in the United States without any government interference, we Bible believing Christians, who believe in the literal translation of the Bible, and who believe in the rapture of the Church are now the very targets of the U.S. Government….we are the “threats” and the “terrorists”!?!
The 61 page report was written by military official, a Major Stuckert who states that Christians who believe in the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ are “problematic” for military leaders; we create “potential vulnerabilities” and “interfere with U.S. government policy objectives.”
He also goes on to say, "Military leaders and planners may take action now to mitigate the effects"? Does he propose that we Christians be rounded up and put in all these FEMA camps (that supposedly don't exist)? Just how does he plan for the US military to "mitigate" the effects of us Christians? This statement is downright chilling! How they can fault the followers of Him who said, “LOVE your enemy, do good to those who hate you, and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you FALSELY for my Name’s sake. Verily I say unto you, great is your reward in heaven!”
Major Stuckert states in this report that, "Military leaders and planners may take action now to mitigate the effects?" What does that mean? What do they plan on doing with us??? In this latest report, Major Stuckert specifically targets the holiness and Pentecostal churches; as well as the Assemblies of God; non-denominational churches; and Independent and Southern Baptists....anyone who believes in the Second Coming of Christ is targeted in this report.
This is nothing more than a continuation of old brainwashing techniques...only now (whether knowingly or unknowingly) they are imposing the satanic philosophy of good is evil and evil is good. Satan is clever and the masses are biting into the same apple of deceit that brought sin into this world. If they can sway public opinion by creating lies, they can also change public policy by creating laws that just might make Christianity illegal in the future.
Is it starting to feel like you live under Communism? Actually, it’s much worse than that.
I believe that we are very near to the end, what is known as Daniels 70th week…when this world will go through a 7 year tribulation period as God pours out His wrath on the sons of iniquity. We are not there yet, but we are surely coming closer with each passing day.
That said, there is also good news for the Church! I believe in a pre-tribulation rapture of the Church! I don’t believe that God’s children, the bride of Christ, will endure God’s wrath which will be poured out upon the face of the earth to those who have rejected Jesus Christ and have worshipped the Anti-Christ.
However, I do believe that it is vitally important for us to be aware of what is going on around us and to be ready for what is coming next. Jesus is coming! The Bride, which is the Church, is to be preparing herself for the Bridegroom, Jesus. Yet while he tarries, there is more work to be done.
Believers in Christ need to be fully equipped to share the gospel no matter what persecution may come. I pray that we will remain faithful to the end…never compromising the truth that is within us, and serving out these last days to build KINGDOM OF GOD for HIS GLORY!
Draw near to Him, stay in the Word, walk in the Spirit, don’t compromise, resist the devil and put on the armor of God - the Lord Jesus Christ; be faithful, steadfast, sober and vigilant, stand in the evil day…. …and LOOK UP! Your redemption is drawing nigh!
Read more!
This week’s news has brought a new level of awareness of the times that we are living in. What takes my breath away is the speed in which the events are happening; that they are happening before our very eyes; and that they are in fact leading us to a one world system of government; where the Anti-Christ will set himself up before the whole world to be worshipped.
More and more we see a full out war on Biblical Christianity. Just as early as this morning I read that a Federal District Court Judge ruled that the National Day of Prayer is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Read Article: National Day of Prayer ruled unconstitutional
Some of you may be thinking that it’s no big deal, that we have been here before, that it will be overturned….maybe so, but I would repeat the words of Jesus when he says….be not deceived...We are now living in a day where good is evil and evil is now good.
The Biblical standards on which the Constitution and the Bill of Rights were written are quickly being shredded before our eyes. It is just a matter of time before the entire national landscape is completely changed, and not for the better.
Last year we were all infuriated by the Homeland Security report that suggested that Christians could be classified as a domestic terrorist threat. Well, if that took the wind out of your sails, wait until you hear this:
Exclusive: World’s ‘Most Dangerous Islamist’ Alive, Well, and Living in Pennsylvania This report is unbelievable! The fact that we have terrorists living in this country at all is shocking, but to have our government remain silent on the issue, and allow it, well that's more than insane, it's highly suspicious!
Excerpts taken from the article: “Meet the most dangerous Islamist in the world. According to the report, his name is Fethullah Gulen. He is neither Afghani nor Arab. He comes from neither Sudan nor Somalia. And he resides in neither the mountains of Pakistan nor the deserts of the Palestinian territories.
This individual has toppled the secular government of Turkey and established madrassahs throughout the world. His schools indoctrinate children in the tenets of radical Islam and prepare adolescents for the Islamization of the world.
More than 90 of these madrassahs have been established as charter schools throughout the United States. They are funded by American taxpayers. One of these charter schools – Tarek ibn Zayed Academy (TiZA) in Minnesota – is so radically Islamic and subversive in nature that the Minnesota Department of Education issued two citations against it and the American Civil Liberties Union is suing it.
Dozens of his universities, including the Faith University in Istanbul, train young men to become lawyers, accountants, and political leaders so that they can take an active part in the restoration of the Ottoman Empire and the Islamization of the Western World. He also allegedly operates compounds to train jihadists in the tactics of guerilla warfare. This individual has amassed a fortune – over $30 billion – for the creation of a universal caliphate.
His name is Fethullah Gulen and he resides not in the wilds of southern Turkey – but the mountains of Northeastern Pennsylvania.”
Read Article: World’s ‘Most Dangerous Islamist’ Alive, Well, and Living in Pennsylvania
“Why has the federal government opted to turn a blind eye to Gulen and his mountain fortress? Why have Gulen’s madrassahs been kept under the radar screen of Hoimeland Security? Why have the CIA and FBI allowed Gulen to wreak havoc and topple secular governments without interruption or intervention?
The questions beg answers.” Food for thought: It is inconceivable to me how a man like this is not only allowed in the United States, but actually lives in the U.S……this just goes to show how trustworthy our government officials are...NOT!
In my opinion this war on terrorism is a joke! To me it’s all about creating chaos in order to gain control over the people of this nation and the world; all the laws passed post 9/11 (that we so naively thought were created for our safety) are nothing more than a smokescreen to bring us to where we are today: a country losing its rights, its freedoms, its sovereignty and any future we might have as a nation, provided the Lord tarries – God forbid!
This brings me to the next article I read this week…. ARMY REPORT SAYS CHRISTIANS THREATEN US FOREIGN POLICY While our government is busy trying to destroy the foundations of our country: our Constitution; our freedoms; our economy; our right to live; our right to pray, there is something more sinister brewing...
A march to stomp out Christianity. Reports and policies are being written suggesting that Christians are a national threat; that we are a threat to foreign policy, to the military; they are declaring Bible believing Christians to be not only domestic terrorists, but international terrorists as well!?
This report actually takes us to the next dangerous level. While known terrorists are allowed to live and prosper in the United States without any government interference, we Bible believing Christians, who believe in the literal translation of the Bible, and who believe in the rapture of the Church are now the very targets of the U.S. Government….we are the “threats” and the “terrorists”!?!
The 61 page report was written by military official, a Major Stuckert who states that Christians who believe in the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ are “problematic” for military leaders; we create “potential vulnerabilities” and “interfere with U.S. government policy objectives.”
He also goes on to say, "Military leaders and planners may take action now to mitigate the effects"? Does he propose that we Christians be rounded up and put in all these FEMA camps (that supposedly don't exist)? Just how does he plan for the US military to "mitigate" the effects of us Christians? This statement is downright chilling! How they can fault the followers of Him who said, “LOVE your enemy, do good to those who hate you, and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you FALSELY for my Name’s sake. Verily I say unto you, great is your reward in heaven!”
Major Stuckert states in this report that, "Military leaders and planners may take action now to mitigate the effects?" What does that mean? What do they plan on doing with us??? In this latest report, Major Stuckert specifically targets the holiness and Pentecostal churches; as well as the Assemblies of God; non-denominational churches; and Independent and Southern Baptists....anyone who believes in the Second Coming of Christ is targeted in this report.
This is nothing more than a continuation of old brainwashing techniques...only now (whether knowingly or unknowingly) they are imposing the satanic philosophy of good is evil and evil is good. Satan is clever and the masses are biting into the same apple of deceit that brought sin into this world. If they can sway public opinion by creating lies, they can also change public policy by creating laws that just might make Christianity illegal in the future.
Is it starting to feel like you live under Communism? Actually, it’s much worse than that.
I believe that we are very near to the end, what is known as Daniels 70th week…when this world will go through a 7 year tribulation period as God pours out His wrath on the sons of iniquity. We are not there yet, but we are surely coming closer with each passing day.
That said, there is also good news for the Church! I believe in a pre-tribulation rapture of the Church! I don’t believe that God’s children, the bride of Christ, will endure God’s wrath which will be poured out upon the face of the earth to those who have rejected Jesus Christ and have worshipped the Anti-Christ.
However, I do believe that it is vitally important for us to be aware of what is going on around us and to be ready for what is coming next. Jesus is coming! The Bride, which is the Church, is to be preparing herself for the Bridegroom, Jesus. Yet while he tarries, there is more work to be done.
Believers in Christ need to be fully equipped to share the gospel no matter what persecution may come. I pray that we will remain faithful to the end…never compromising the truth that is within us, and serving out these last days to build KINGDOM OF GOD for HIS GLORY!
Draw near to Him, stay in the Word, walk in the Spirit, don’t compromise, resist the devil and put on the armor of God - the Lord Jesus Christ; be faithful, steadfast, sober and vigilant, stand in the evil day…. …and LOOK UP! Your redemption is drawing nigh!
Friday, April 2, 2010
RAPTURE: The WHO and WHEN Of It All - PART 5
~~ By James Fire
In this fifth (and also a final sixth) article in this series, I will examine the book of Revelation and see if I can spot the church in any duration of time contained within Daniel's 70th week, and further take a look at passages in the New Testament that would seem to encourage the church to expect Christ's return (for His bride) at ANY MOMENT! And why, if the rapture is biblical, hasn't the church taught it for the majority of its existence?
I have provided in this article, a couple of links that I have found useful in understanding various aspects of the rapture of the church, one of these from Dave Hunt and Tom McMahon, the other from Chuck Missler.
Read more!
In this fifth (and also a final sixth) article in this series, I will examine the book of Revelation and see if I can spot the church in any duration of time contained within Daniel's 70th week, and further take a look at passages in the New Testament that would seem to encourage the church to expect Christ's return (for His bride) at ANY MOMENT! And why, if the rapture is biblical, hasn't the church taught it for the majority of its existence?
I have provided in this article, a couple of links that I have found useful in understanding various aspects of the rapture of the church, one of these from Dave Hunt and Tom McMahon, the other from Chuck Missler.
Read more!
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