I trust and pray you are staying strong and knowing that Jesus is with you through all things. This truly is a time of everything being shaken. But we have an unshakable Kingdom!
One of the difficult parts of this time is that it is almost impossible to talk about anything that is happening without it being politicized, and you risk misunderstanding if you take a stand on an issue. But it is so clear to me that we are witnessing one of the greatest wars in the heavenlies we have seen in my lifetime. And why should we be surprised?
If we know we are in the final hours, it makes sense that Satan would unleash every power in hell against believers. It is so much bigger than politics. The answer is Jesus. The answer is transformed lives in Jesus.
But we have entered a unique time (for us) where the hostility to Jesus, and believers, is so visceral in the media and out in the streets that it is shocking. I’ve been in street evangelism for most of my life. And you expect some negative reactions. I was with brother (David) Wilkerson in San Francisco, and we hit every subculture in the city in a week. Some welcomed us. Some were mocking. Some were indifferent. And only in one place did I experience raw hate, and that was in the gay district. I got punched hard in the mouth. By God’s grace, I did not react but was able to give a Holy Spirit, loving response.
Mostly, people considered street evangelists like the cartoon guy with the sandwich board that says, “The End Is Near,” and they are ignored. That has changed. Now believers are being targeted like never in our history as a nation.
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