~ by James Fire
Introduction: Talk about “the judgment of GOD” and you’ll get many disapproving glares, scoffs, and, or ridicule from the world; or even among professing Christians. This world hates the idea of judgment from GOD, but let a judge dismiss someone that committed a crime against them, and they’d balk - - loudly!
Our GOD is a GOD of truth, and therefore also a GOD of justice; yet the idea of justice can be quite relative in this fallen world (just as truth has been for generations now). Commit the same crime in different countries and you’ll be judged with varying degrees of severity based on their own rule of law.
This is not the case with GOD’s justice however, which is the twin of GOD’s truth: both are immutable, both are eternal, both are resolute and represent His nature with absolute perfection.
Without GOD’s judgment – murderers like Hitler, Stalin, and others, along with abortionists that have slain over 70 million babies in the USA alone; agnostics who fight fiercely to remove any mention of GOD, whether on our money or in our schools, and every other worker of lawlessness such that exalt evolution as science, and other ungodly philosophies, derailing the faith of professing Christians – would go unpunished.
The world likes to remind us that GOD is love and would never condemn anyone to an eternal punishment! Such is their perverse, lop-sided view of GOD. Yes, GOD is the very embodiment of love, a love unequalled anywhere: the Cross is evidence enough of this – where sinners find grace, forgiveness of sin and love.
And it’s also at that same Cross where we see the holiness and justice of GOD – because Christ suffered the vengeful wrath of a Holy GOD on our behalf (ISAIAH 53), Who views any rebellion against Him as blatantly evil.
The world in the vast majority spurns the Cross of Christ, the Eternal emblem of the LORD’s love expressed for fallen humanity. I’ve heard atheists say that they wish they could see this ‘fictitious Jesus’ show up for real, just so that they could crucify Him a second time!
Since they reject this offer of salvation and escape “the wrath to come” through Christ’s atoning sacrifice on our behalf (1 THESS 1:10), they will meet the undiluted, unrestrained, unstoppable wrath that will be poured out upon the world that will be under the reign of anti-Christ.
Yet even this fierce wrath of GOD will be finally spent, never to be seen again (REV 20:11-15 – REV 21:1-2). Once these last seven plagues are administered to the anti-Christ and his followers, the Second Coming of Christ occurs, and there is the judgment of the Beast and the false Prophet, the consignment of Satan to the bottomless pit, and the judgment of nations (that will receive either commendation or condemnation based on how they treated Israel (MATT 25:32) during the time of Jacob’s Trouble (JER 30:7).
There will, I’m sure, be episodes of sporadic judgment upon the nations during the Millennial Reign such as upon those who refuse to go up to Jerusalem to worship the Messiah King (ZECH 14:16-19), but the most awesome and terrible judgment won’t occur until after the Millennial Reign, once the old heavens and old earth pass away and all that is seen in the fathomless emptiness of space will be the Great White Throne (REV 20:11) commencing holy judgment, where hopelessly lost sinners will be condemned for eternity in hell, all because of their wholesale rejection of Christ!
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