~ by James Fire
Introduction: GOD is never without a witness. Even through the
most evil epochs and days of dire darkness, the LORD GOD is never without a
witness to testify of His truth, to stand against the evil deceptions, lies and
sin that pervades this world.
These witnesses, these godly saints, these bold martyrs who like our LORD Himself, testify of the evil of this world and for that, both He and we ourselves are hated (JOHN 7:7). I think of Enoch and Noah, of Moses and Elijah, Jeremiah and Daniel, of Stephen (in ACTS 7) and the apostle John on the isle of Patmos.
These witnesses, these godly saints, these bold martyrs who like our LORD Himself, testify of the evil of this world and for that, both He and we ourselves are hated (JOHN 7:7). I think of Enoch and Noah, of Moses and Elijah, Jeremiah and Daniel, of Stephen (in ACTS 7) and the apostle John on the isle of Patmos.
The testimony of the truth
is far more, however, than just the witness of the evil in this world; it is
also the declaration of GOD’s holiness and justice, as well as the proclamation of the
good news of Jesus Christ, either in its foretelling in the Old Testament
Scriptures, or in the New Testament declarations of what the LAMB of GOD (JOHN 1:29) has accomplished and will accomplish as the LION
of JUDAH (REV 5:5-6) as proclaimed in both Testaments.
And these declarations are
not just words of truth, they are backed by the power of GOD in the miraculous
as demonstrated by the LORD and His prophets and apostles (JOHN 5:36; EXOD. 4:30; 1 KINGS 18:37-39;
ACTS 9:36-39; ACTS 20:9) – and
these famously faithful two witnesses we’ll be reading about in this chapter.