Introduction: As Christians we know that GOD is love (1 JOHN 4:7), and as children of GOD we understand that “all things work together for the good, to those who love GOD, to those called according to His purpose” (ROM 8:28).
So, we are sometimes bewildered when bad things, especially tragic things happen in our lives. Because GOD is all-knowing and all-powerful, and that He is all-loving, He could stop such tragedies in our lives if He wanted to.
We often ask the question in such tragic situations, “LORD if You love me, and You knew this was going to happen, and had the power to stop it, then why didn’t You?”
This causes some professing believers to turn away, believing that somehow, GOD let them down; they even question GOD’s love.
Some with a heart of bitterness and disillusionment even question GOD’s existence!
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