Do You Need Help Understanding Major Bible Themes?
1926 In the Public Domain
The Major Bible Themes chapters that have been posted here are for the purpose of helping Christians clearly understand major themes of the Bible and to equip believers with sound doctrinal principles.
Major Bible Themes is premillennial, pretribulational and dispensationalist. It should be noted also that we see many patterns throughout Scripture and oftentimes a Jewish Midrashic perspective is very helpful in order to help clarify biblical truths by way of illustrations, not creating new doctrines. Therefore, balance is encouraged, not theological extremes.
Dr. Chafer was known internationally as a Bible teacher, lecturer and Professor of Systematic Theology and his works have been well recognized for many years amongst truly evangelical Bible preaching ministers and ministries.
The PDF files below have been reformatted and provided by SRN (Spiritual Research Network, Inc.). Thanks to their vision to equip believers with sound doctrine, we will all benefit through the writings of Lewis Sperry Chafer. MAJOR BIBLE THEMES BY Lewis Sperry Chafer
[First Edition, Copyright 1926 - In The Public Domain]Open or Download Entire Book
Major Bible Themes (Full Text PDF) by Lewis Sperry Chafer
Open or Download Chapter by Chapter
Author's Introduction (PDF)
I. The Bible: The Word of God (PDF)
II. The Bible: Inspired of God (PDF)
III. The Bible: Its Subject and Purpose (PDF)
IV. God the Trinity: His Person and Deity (PDF)
V. God the FatherVI. God the Son: His Pre-existence (PDF)
II. The Bible: Inspired of God (PDF)
III. The Bible: Its Subject and Purpose (PDF)
IV. God the Trinity: His Person and Deity (PDF)
V. God the FatherVI. God the Son: His Pre-existence (PDF)
VI. God the Son: His Pre-existence (PDF)
VII. God the Son: His Incarnation (PDF)
VIII. God the Son: His Substitutionary Death (PDF)
IX. God the Son: His Resurrection and Ascension (PDF)
X. God the Son: His Priestly Ministry (PDF)
XI. God the Son: His Coming for His Saints (PDF)
XII. God the Son: His Coming with His Saints (PDF)
XIII. God the Holy Spirit: His Personality (PDF)
XIV. God the Holy Spirit: His Advent (PDF)
XV. God the Holy Spirit: His Anointing (PDF)
XVI. God the Holy Spirit: His Ministry (PDF)
XVII. God the Holy Spirit: His Baptism (PDF)
XVIII. The Dispensations (PDF)
XIX. The Covenants (PDF)
XX. The Angels (PDF)
XXI. Satan: His Personality and Power (PDF)
XXII. Satan: His Work and Destiny (PDF)
XXIII. Man: His Creation (PDF)
XXIV. Man: His Fall (PDF)
XXV. Sin: Its Character and Universality (PDF)
XXVI. Sin: God's Remedy for It (PDF)
XXVII. Law and Grace (PDF)
XXVIII. Salvation from the Guilt and Penalty of Sin (PDF)
XXIX. Salvation from the Power of Sin (PDF)
XXX. Four Aspects of Righteousness (PDF)
XXXI. Sanctification I (PDF)
XXXII. Sanctification II (PDF)
XXXIII. Security (PDF)
XXXIV. Assurance (PDF)
XXXV. The Church: Her Membership (PDF)
XXXVI. The Church: Her Mission (PDF)
XXXVII. The Sabbath (PDF)
XXXVIII. The Lord's Day and the New Creation (PDF)
XL. Prayer (PDF)
XLI. Service (PDF)
XLII. Thanksgiving (PDF)
XLIII. Stewardship (PDF)
XLIV. Prophecy in the Old Testament (PDF)
XLV. Prophecy in the New Testament (PDF)
XLVI. Judgment of the Believer's Works (PDF)
XLVII. Judgment of the Nations (PDF)
XLVIII. Judgment of the Wicked (PDF)
XLIX. The Eternal Estate of the Redeemed (PDF)
VIII. God the Son: His Substitutionary Death (PDF)
IX. God the Son: His Resurrection and Ascension (PDF)
X. God the Son: His Priestly Ministry (PDF)
XI. God the Son: His Coming for His Saints (PDF)
XII. God the Son: His Coming with His Saints (PDF)
XIII. God the Holy Spirit: His Personality (PDF)
XIV. God the Holy Spirit: His Advent (PDF)
XV. God the Holy Spirit: His Anointing (PDF)
XVI. God the Holy Spirit: His Ministry (PDF)
XVII. God the Holy Spirit: His Baptism (PDF)
XVIII. The Dispensations (PDF)
XIX. The Covenants (PDF)
XX. The Angels (PDF)
XXI. Satan: His Personality and Power (PDF)
XXII. Satan: His Work and Destiny (PDF)
XXIII. Man: His Creation (PDF)
XXIV. Man: His Fall (PDF)
XXV. Sin: Its Character and Universality (PDF)
XXVI. Sin: God's Remedy for It (PDF)
XXVII. Law and Grace (PDF)
XXVIII. Salvation from the Guilt and Penalty of Sin (PDF)
XXIX. Salvation from the Power of Sin (PDF)
XXX. Four Aspects of Righteousness (PDF)
XXXI. Sanctification I (PDF)
XXXII. Sanctification II (PDF)
XXXIII. Security (PDF)
XXXIV. Assurance (PDF)
XXXV. The Church: Her Membership (PDF)
XXXVI. The Church: Her Mission (PDF)
XXXVII. The Sabbath (PDF)
XXXVIII. The Lord's Day and the New Creation (PDF)
XL. Prayer (PDF)
XLI. Service (PDF)
XLII. Thanksgiving (PDF)
XLIII. Stewardship (PDF)
XLIV. Prophecy in the Old Testament (PDF)
XLV. Prophecy in the New Testament (PDF)
XLVI. Judgment of the Believer's Works (PDF)
XLVII. Judgment of the Nations (PDF)
XLVIII. Judgment of the Wicked (PDF)
XLIX. The Eternal Estate of the Redeemed (PDF)
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
In 2 Timothy 2:15 we are told what is required of us as workmen in Christ. "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
The Word of truth has right divisions which need to be observed in our study of scripture. The purpose of this instruction is to indicate the more important divisions of the Word of truth and enable the diligent student to perceive the greater outlines of truth and something of the ordered beauty and symmetry of the Word of God.
The student is earnestly exhorted not to receive a single doctrine upon the authority of this book, but, like the noble Bereans (Acts 17:11), to search the Scriptures daily whether these things are so.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 | The Jew, the Gentile, and the Church of God |
Chapter 2 | The Seven Dispensations |
Chapter 3 | The Two Advents |
Chapter 4 | The Two Resurrections |
Chapter 5 | The Five Judgments |
Chapter 6 | Law and Grace |
Chapter 7 | The Believer's Two Natures |
Chapter 8 | The Believer's Standing and State |
Chapter 9 | Salvation and Rewards |
Chapter 10 | Believers and Professors |
Study Helps
Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Creation Wiki - The Encyclopedia of Creation Science
The Genesis Record Audio Seminar - Dr. Henry Morris
North West Creation Science Network - Audio Files
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Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Creation Wiki - The Encyclopedia of Creation Science
The Genesis Record Audio Seminar - Dr. Henry Morris
North West Creation Science Network - Audio Files