Introduction: We are all gardens of human souls, planting in the soils of our life different seeds, cultivating different kinds of crop. Some are sowing to their flesh and reaping corruption. Others are sowing to the Spirit and reaping everlasting life.
We ought always to take care of what sort of seed we are allowing into our lives. Every spoken word heard, every paragraph read – even song lyrics and film quotes will plant words into our minds, words that lead to ideas, ideas that lead to beliefs, beliefs that lead to action, action that leads to consequences.
We now complete the fifth chapter of GALATIANS and examine the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit:
19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, 21 envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
The contrast between the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit is as stark as midnight and midday. They are polar opposites and stem from entirely different sources. The sin nature at best can modify itself through religion or morality, but it can’t be changed integrally. Religious people who depend on ritual, ceremony, traditions, attendance at their place of worship, charitable giving are not spiritually alive, because spiritual life can only be found in Christ!
They are like a dog dressed up in a pig suit. They might look like a pig, but they will still bark and chase cats (and cars) and dig holes and do things according to their canine nature. And even if they are trained to misbehave – that is, not behave as a dog, a simple DNA test will prove conclusively that they are a canine!
I was once told that Europeans can spot Americans in their countries quite easily (printed T-shirts, baseball caps, sneakers, blue jeans, we like to chew bubble gum, etc.). When I was in England I put this to the test. I walked into a public bathroom wearing slacks, a dress shirt, shoes, even an English cap, but still I was spotted by a Brit who asked which of the States I was from.
“How did you know? There is nothing of my appearance that gave me away! I didn’t say a word, so my speech wasn’t the identifying factor!”
He told me, “You turned the faucet on high, you used a lot of soap and paper towels… we are a lot more conservative in our use of resources than you Americans.”
I only changed my outward appearance, but I didn’t change my American behavior (my habits).
Notice that these characteristics of the flesh are called “works”. Sin nature is quite industrious in these works and will even work overtime! Contrast this with what we read in vs. 22-23. “Fruit” is something that comes about naturally from trees, themselves growing from seeds. Once planted, the process takes off all on its own. No “work” can produce the fruit of the Spirit (though seeding is required, watering as well, but then GOD alone gives the increase! 1 COR 3:7-8).
It's those who “practice such things” – that is, those who live accordingly, because all they have is a sin nature with which to conduct themselves. This isn’t talking about an incidental fall into sin (which any Christian will experience), but a recurring, ongoing, intentional ‘deathstyle’ in the practice of sin.
The Works of the Flesh Are These:
Adultery – something that is extraordinarily common place today. In the 1950’s actors who played married couples wouldn’t even be filmed in the same bed! Today, adulterous behavior is found even in the church! Unfaithfulness and lack of integrity in the sanctity of the marriage contract is tragically rampant in the world.
Fornication – the Greek word used here is porneia; this covers a wide variety of erotic impurities including incest. This word is also used for “idolatry” and we can attest to the fact that sex is worshiped in modern society. And even in Grammar School, children are being exposed to pornographic imagery and content. Inflaming society with such unrestrained passions will result in increased pregnancies which can fuel the abortion mills across the land.
And where sex is worshiped, we can be sure that demonic spirits are welcomed by such idolatry! And they appreciate such blood offerings made to them by the millions of murdered babies across the world!
Uncleanness – moral impurity. The “anything goes” mentality in the spirit of relativism reigns supreme today. Ever since the sexual revolution of the 60’s – coupled together in those days with drug culture and a dramatic influx of eastern religions, as well as a substantial decrease in belief in the Bible – we have seen all kinds of impurities and evils. Such has become so common, that most people (even some Christians) can’t even recognize evil when they see it!
Lewdness – filthiness, pollution of mind and thoughts; this is the sort of thing that described the world before the Flood of Noah (GEN 6:5). When one surrenders one’s mind to such filthiness, self-control becomes a thing of the past!
Remember! Whatever dominates the mind will inevitably result in actions.
Idolatry – fornication is already mentioned as it’s connected with idolatry, so why is it mentioned a second time here? In this case, it has to do with “image worship” – whether that’s religious icons, or any sort of materialism (some worship their cars, others their bodies and attractiveness [body builders, super models, etc.]) or any object or thing that one would devote themselves to – can we say, money, position and power?!
Sorcery – or witchcraft; the Greek word is pharmakeia and this has to do with mind altering drugs, particularly those hallucinogens which supposedly give the user imaginary visions that are not at all associated with anything real. However, just as with sorcerers and witches in antiquity, many modern day occults understand that these drugs alter one’s consciousness making the mind susceptible to the spirit realm. The use of such drugs in the body (associated with the lust of the flesh) is a gateway through which demons can enter and interact with the user.
The only thing more effectively dangerous are the various mystical meditation techniques of the mind (associated with the lust of the mind; EPH 2:3) that excite the demonic even more; it’s more like huge barn doors being opened rather than a gate in such cases!
Hatred – this is the kind of hatred that’s linked with hostility. The sort that’s associated with race hatred (The term “ethnic hatred” is more accurate as there is only one race: Human). This is also exhibited in things like gang wars.
Contentions – quarreling, debating, strife; oppositional, adversarial attitudes that rob people of peace. A contentious person can rouse the same attitude in others and they feed off of each other’s striving and escalate the situation.
In our nation there has always been differing perspectives and disagreements in politics, but today the divisions are so stark with people expressing such radical hatred and vitriol against “the other side” that it’s becoming quite violent, even bloody!
Jealousies – fervency in a negative sense, jealousy, malice, indignation, envy. This is closely linked to “outbursts of wrath”.
Outbursts of wrath – to breathe hard, passionate, fierceness, wrath, indignation. These are the things that can lead to extreme violence, even murder. The LORD said that if anyone has anger (”enraged, provoked, exasperated, wrath”) without (justifiable) cause that they’ve essentially committed murder in their hearts (MATT 5:21-22). We can see this sort of volatile behavior at Pro-Life rallies where abortionists assert their rights, and it can potentially result in both sides screaming red-faced at each other.
Selfish ambitions – factions, divisiveness, separation as a result of strife, closely related to “dissensions” below.
Dissensions – disunion, seditious, rebellion against established orders or authorities (think Antifa and BLM or any other radical organization that’s intent on overthrowing the government by mayhem, violence and bloodshed).
Heresies – closely related to “selfish ambitions” and “dissensions”; a choice of disunion, to depart, a sect.
Envy – having and, or expressing ill will, a detraction, spite, envy. Whereas jealousy is more of a feeling of wanting what another has out of a sense of feeling more worthy than they (“I deserve that raise more than they do!”), envy is a desire to see the other deprived of a blessing.
Murders – to slaughter, a kind of blood fever that is evident in mafia hitmen, rival gangs, serial killers (sometimes even combat soldiers who fail to distinguish ally and enemy, or even civilians from enemy soldiers) etc. In ancient days there were warriors known as berserkers who fell into fits of seeming insanity that led to them slaughtering everything in sight.
Drunkenness – to be intoxicated, typically by use of alcohol, but the use of any drug that weakens one’s clarity of thought, moral judgment and discretion can be applied here.
Revelries – to let loose, carouse; what we think of when someone cries out, “let’s party!” and all sorts of debauchery ensues – fornication, drunkenness, defilements. The intent to embolden oneself and encourage others to “push the envelope” in a daring, immorally bold way is indicated. Think Mardi Gras where no indulgences are forbidden.
5 Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience, 7 in which you yourselves once walked when you lived in them. 8 But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. 9 Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old man with his deeds, 10 and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him,
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.
There is an obvious contrast here, as stated before. Both phenomenon come from their own source, so quite understandably these are spiritually speaking “worlds apart” from each other.
The Fruit of the Spirit is…
Love – Notice the singular: “the fruit…is”, not “the fruits… are”. The fruit is love, and everything that follows is derivative.
The word agape is used here for “love”, and this sort (especially in its verb form, agapao denotes the strongest conviction of love which itself is not an emotion. By its expression we understand that this is an unconditional, sacrificial love expressed by volitional choice, not compulsory, not automatic. We often connect this form of love with GOD, and this is entirely appropriate because “GOD is love” (1 JOHN 4:16). Though this world is wicked, rebellious and evil, still GOD loves humanity (JOHN 3:16). That in itself is a testament to the unconditional love of GOD!
Yet the Pharisees agapao (the verb form of the noun agape) “the best seats in the synagogues and greetings in the market place” (LUKE 11:43). That is, they were devoted to, committed to, loved these things unconditionally – but this was out of a sense of pride and promotion.
As I’ve so often said before, love isn’t necessarily a good thing, and hate isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Both expressions are determined to be either good or bad based on the object receiving those expressions.
To hate injustice is a good thing; to love iniquity is a bad thing.
We are to love the brethren (1 JOHN 4:7), love our neighbor (LUKE 10:27) and even love our enemies (LUKE 6:27)! We are to love everyone – except in a very particular way, ourselves and our dearest relations:
LUKE 14:26-27That is to say, our love for the LORD should be so potent, that any love we have for family or ourselves would pale in comparison. And hating oneself in the sense of dying to self by taking up the cross: we recognize our sin nature as enemy #1 (with Satan and this fallen world system of sin as enemies #2, and #3).
26 "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. 27 "And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.
Joy – this means a quiet gladness, cheerful, calm; these to an exceeding extreme. Again, this is not an emotion, though the love of GOD will excite the emotions and enable them to be expressed beyond mere human capacity.
This is why when we are reviled, persecuted, falsely accused of evil, we can be exceedingly glad and rejoice (for great is our reward in heaven! MATT 5:10-12). Why we can express joy even in the midst of harsh trials. The theme that runs throughout the epistle of PHILIPPIANS (and we will study this as part of this series as well!) is joy through suffering.
The fruit of the Spirit is not dependent on situations, circumstances, mental state and attitude or mood, but rather simply abiding in the Vine Who is Christ (JOHN 15:1-2) and allowing His life to flow through us, His vessels!
We might think that the power of the LORD is our strength, or the Spirit of the LORD is our strength, or something other – but the Word tells us that it’s the “joy of the LORD is our strength”! Why is that?
Consider what the LORD Jesus said about joy:
Those who abide in the Vine (The LORD Himself) will bear fruit – in JOHN 15 He speaks of both love and joy:
JOHN 15:10-11His joy is based on the Word He has spoken to us; and as we abide in His Word, the expression of His joy results in our joy which will be a fulness of joy.
10 "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love. 11 "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.
Consider also what the Messiah has promised to His people: that they will be given “the oil of joy” (ISA 61:3). As we know, oil in the Scriptures represents the Holy Spirit (ZECH 4:2-6).
Thus the joy of the LORD – by His Spirit that reveals Himself to us and our response of joy in His presence – becomes a strength to us!
Peace – this speaks of quietness, implying prosperity, rest, to join, to set at one again. We have this peace with GOD through the LORD Jesus Christ, no longer at enmity against GOD in our sinful rebellion, but in our redemption all charges against us by the Law are satisfied because Christ paid our penalties.
We are set at one again with GOD not as our Holy Judge that must condemn sinners out of His perfect sense of justice, but as our heavenly Father that sees us wearing the robes of righteousness given by grace in Christ.
We have the peace of GOD as we draw near and join in prayerful fellowship with the LORD (PHIL 4:6-7). As we grow in sanctification and holiness and the carnal man is by greater degree crucified, the tension between innate sinfulness and the new man decreases, thus bringing us into a deeper sense of peace.
I believe what David said is applicable here, but in a greater New Testament sense:
PSALM 86:11-13I long for the day when we will experience “the abundance of peace” that awaits us in the Millennial Reign of Christ:
11 Teach me Your way, O LORD; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name. 12 I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And I will glorify Your name forevermore. 13 For great is Your mercy toward me, And You have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol.
PSALM 37:11By the time the Millennium arrives, the church will already be completed and in her glorified state: the sin nature will have been excised from our being, totally eradicated (hallelujah!) and we will no longer have this war with the Spirit against the flesh (GAL 5:17). But there will also be “peace on earth and good will to men” as declared by the angels at the birth of Christ.
But the meek shall inherit the earth and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
Critics have sneered at that declaration, asking “what peace? What good will?” – what they fail to realize is that the Messiah, that babe in the manger is due to return to this world once again and set up His kingdom, and at that time:
ISAIAH 2:2-4On that day we shall experience peace both within and without – abundantly!!
2 Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established on the top of the mountains and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. 3 Many people shall come and say, "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths." For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 4 He shall judge between the nations and rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, And their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, Neither shall they learn war anymore.
Longsuffering – this word means fortitude, forbearance, patience, to suffer long (and be kind; 1 COR 13:4). It’s the ability to put up with uncomfortable circumstances (and, or people!) with an attitude of grace (HEB 5:2 “…who can bear gently with the ignorant and erring…” ASV; 1 COR 13:7).
Kindness – usefulness or moral excellence in character or demeanor; goodness, kindness, good, gentle are all included here. Yet you will notice that this is closely related to many other words in this listing of the fruit of the Spirit. Kindness in this regard is intertwined with the love of GOD.
A simple act of kindness can go a long way! And by such acts people’s hearts are opened, even receptive to the Gospel. An old adage that I’ve grown quite fond of (because it’s true!): “People don’t care about how much you know until they know how much you care!”
Then there is the old song, “What the world needs now is love, sweet love. It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of!” What the world doesn’t realize is that the only kind of love that will perpetually satisfy is the sort of love we were created to receive! The unlimited love of GOD according to His grace!
Goodness – beneficence and the virtue of it, just plain ol’ goodness. Remember the rich young ruler who said to the LORD Jesus, “Good Master…”
To which the LORD replied, “Why do you call Me good? None is good, except for GOD”. And in that statement, He was directing this young man to the truth: If you see any genuine, pure goodness in Me, then understand Who it is you are speaking with!
If we as saints have any goodness in our lives, it’s a product of the Holy Spirit in us; we can’t claim to manufacture this stuff! And in such a day as this, when we will be tested by an increasingly evil world, it’s vital that we let the goodness instilled in us to shine!
EPHESIANS 5:8-11Faithfulness – this word means “faith” as well as “faithfulness”. I can’t begin to tell you what a comfort this is to me! For I grieve over how unfaithful I can be sometimes to the LORD in light of His everlasting faithfulness to me! My prayer of late is, “LORD narrow the huge gap between Your faithfulness and mine!”
8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), 10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. 11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.
But it’s as we sow abundantly the seed of GOD’s Word into our hearts, and water the seed with the Word, and with prayer, and endeavor by the Spirit of grace Who alone empowers us to live out the Word that this fruit of faithfulness will grow, and we will rejoice! But we must allow the Spirit to empower us, and not try to “go it alone” – that will only meet with abject failure!
Remember this saying I learned as a believer in Christ (one year old in the faith): “The Word without the Spirit, you dry up. The Spirit without the Word, you blow up. The Spirit with the Word, you grow up!” (See how we may be faithful to the LORD: GAL 3:9; EPH 1:1; 1 TIM 1:12; 2 TIM 2:2; and how the LORD is faithful to us: 1 THESS 5:24; 2 THESS 3:3; 2 TIM 2:11)
Gentleness – humility, meekness. This world sees meekness as weakness, but in reality meekness is strength under control. Picture a pesky little hyena that keeps bothering a huge, powerful lion. The lion could take that critter out anytime he wants, but he resists the urge to shred the thing to bloody bits. That is meekness.
Christ is the ultimate example of meekness, the greatest bar none! Think about it: here is GOD made flesh, by Whose Word all things were created (COL 1:16), and by His Word all things are held together (COL 1:17), until He says so (2 PET 3:10)! Yet He let these puny Roman soldiers torture Him, lead him to Calvary and crucify Him, when all He had to say is “Be gone!” and the universe would be no more!
Meekness is assuredly NOT weakness!
Self-control – to be evenly tempered, continence. This means a person who isn’t given to sudden or rash impulses. Someone who doesn’t ‘fly off the handle’ or isn’t ‘moody’. They are even keeled and steady, trustworthy, reliable, dependable. They know how to keep their tongue! Such people show spiritual maturity!
JAMES 1:19JOHN 15 – check out this study from David Guzik’s Enduring Word Site.
So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath;
JAMES 1:26
If anyone among you thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one's religion is useless.
For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body [the church].
But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
24 And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
One of the primary indicators that we belong to Christ is that there is a decreasing habit of sin in general in their life by the process of the cross (MATT 16:24). There may be “pockets of resistance” in areas that won’t die easily – many refer to these as strongholds. But just as strongholds are not (typically) built in a day, they are seldom torn down in a day either!
Patience, intentional surrendering of the will, relying on the ministry of grace at the throne of grace (HEB 4:16), persistent prayer and a regular flow of the washing of the water of the Word will prevail and those strongholds will crumble: one stone at a time if need be!
Since we are alive by the Spirit of GOD, let us live accordingly. The word “walk” refers to military marching, where every soldier keeps rank and file, not stepping out of bounds, but in unity with the troop! Remember that holiness is a step by step process but to gain ground in this is a huge part of spiritual warfare!
The enemy knows that the holier we grow, the flesh he can use as ammo!
(See: ROM 6:6; 13:14; GAL 2:20; 1 PET 2:11)
Lastly, something that I saw on Facebook:
“The world wants peace but rejects the Prince of Peace.
“The world wants love but rejects the Author of Love.
“The world wants life but rejects the One Who gave His life to save theirs!
“The world desperately [needs] Jesus, but they’re too busy rejecting Him to realize He’s the answer!
FOR MORE on this, check out this study on the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit!
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