Warren Smith is a name recognized by any Christian who has done research into the Emergent Church Movement, as well as the New Age Spirituality, among other false and imposing doctrines that are infiltrating the church.
From his own website: FROM The NEW AGE to AMAZING GRACE: www.warrenbsmith.com/
"Warren B. Smith (B.A. University of Pennsylvania; M.S.W. Tulane University)—A free lance writer and community social worker who was formerly involved in the New Age movement. He has served as a program coordinator for people with special needs, directed several homeless programs, and has worked as a Hospice social worker in New Orleans and on the California coast. He has written extensively on the subject of spiritual deception and has spoken on radio, television, and at seminars and conferences."
Warren now has a youtube channel and we are eager to watch and learn the latest that he brings to the body of Christ as a true watchman on the wall, discerning and warning of the apostasy and leaven that the enemy seeks ever to infest the body of Christ with.
Visit often both his website and his youtube channel - and if you haven't read any of his books yet, get some! You will be enriched in your knowledge necessary to spot and reject the falseness of doctrines and practices which are unbiblical.
We have used his materials in many of our own articles, particularly the ones on Rick Warren, TTUF Profile on RICK WARREN using his book Deceived On Purpose, as well as FALSE TEACHINGS, FALSE PEACE and FALSE CHRIST (Part 1 of 3) based largely on False Christ Coming, Does Anybody Care?
May the LORD bless, keep and use our brother Warren for His great glory and kingdom!
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