Over the holiday weekend my husband and I traveled up north to visit with family. During our long drive, a question came up in our conversation that has come up several times recently. We were discussing the current state of our nation and as we began to get into all of the “crazy” things that were going on in our government, and the speed in which these horrible changes were taking place, the one thing we tried to answer was, “How did this happen to our nation?”
As always, I brought along some reading material for the trip and began reading an article by Brannon Howse, from Christian Worldview. In his article he discusses 7 dangerous thinkers and their legacies that just won’t die. After reading it I felt that it helped to shed light into the chaos surrounding us. I pray that by sharing this, it will also help you to gain a better understanding of what has happened to our Christian nation and how we got here.
Brannon Howse hosts as radio program entitled “Worldview Matters”, great name, because in reality, worldview really does matter. He will explain how America is quickly being destroyed from within by a battle that at its foundation is spiritual and theological.
Why Does a Christian Worldview Matter?
A Christian worldview matters because it is the lens through which we see the world. Our Christian worldview is an invisible, but very real, filter that we use to understand why things are the way they are. Understanding our own worldview is just as important as understanding the worldviews of the people around you.
The Apostle Paul calls Satan “the god of this world” in 2 Corinthians 4:4, and John states in 1 John 5:19 that “the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.” 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” We are in a battle, and the leader of the opposition is Satan himself.
I hear people say that we are all God’s children, but that’s only wishful thinking.
Jesus said,
- by Brannon Howse
Man is either serving God or serving Satan and thus every issue is a theological and spiritual issue. Jesus Christ, who was fully God and fully Man, declared in John 14:6 that He is truth, and thus truth is that which is consistent with the character and nature of God. The Bible is a reflection of God’s character and nature, and so it is truth. Jesus Christ prayed this in John 17:17 when He said, “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.”
Satan is committed to everything contrary to the character and nature of God. He is an enemy of truth and therefore the father of lies.
I believe Satan desires the demise of America for two reasons:
Among the many proponents of these views, a small group of seminal thinkers have done more than any others to assure that these aberrant philosophies still influence and undermine America long after the philosophers have exited this life. Their values and ideas are driving America itself to an early grave.
1. KARL MARX (1818-1883)
As a young man, Marx was kicked out of several universities for his radical, revolutionary views. An atheist and a Secular humanist, he wrote the “Communist Manifesto” with is friend Friedrich Engels. Marx did not believe in the spiritual world or life after death. He believed only in the natural or material world, and he valued people solely for what they could do for the state. Is it no wonder that the worldview of Marx – Communism – is responsible for the murder of as many as 100 million people?
Marx hated the free market and capitalism – concepts birthed out of the Reformation – perhaps because he was a lazy slob who wanted others to take care of him. Marx largely lived off his friend Friedrich Engels, who drew his income from the family business. How ironic is that? Marx spread his hatred of capitalism while living off the fruits of capitalism. Isn’t that always the mode of operation for those who follow the economic philosophy of Communism (the most virulent form of Socialism)?
Marx was such a reprobate that out of his six children, three died of starvation while still infants, two others committed suicide, and only one lived to become an adult. The Marx family was often hounded by creditors. Yet, when Marx received a gift of 160 pounds (about $500), did he pay his bills and his rent, or buy food for his starving family? No. He went on a two-month drinking binge with his intellectual buddies while his wife and infant children were evicted from their apartment. Marx the parasite quickly spent his wife’s inheritances from her mother and uncle, causing his family to live on the edge of financial ruin for years.
While the lies that Marx promoted were many, one was a hatred for the traditional family. Marx favored “a system of wives in common.” And because he was a mean, arrogant bully, Marx had few friends. Even those who agreed with his teachings did not like him as a person. Thus, when he died, only 11 people attended his funeral.
2. JOHN DEWEY (1859-1952)
John Dewey is known as the father of modern American education. He is also a signer of the “Humanist Manifesto 1” and a founding member of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). In 1928, he traveled to Russia to help implement the Karl Marx system of education and then returned to teach at Columbia University as the head of their department of education. Dewey helped to start the Socialist Society in America and was an honorary president of the National Education Association. He promoted Secular humanism in his book, A Common Faith. Dewey presided over the League for Industrial Democracy, a British Fabian (socialism) branch. Dewey harmed America to a degree few others have. He was the leading force behind bringing a group of German intellectuals-from the “Frankfurt School”-to America. The Frankfurt School promoted the worldview of Friedrich Nietzsche, and with their arrival to America in 1933 they sought to implement cultural Marxism in every area of American life under the disguise of Political Correctness. The goal was the destruction of Christianity, the creation of chaos, and then the transition from cultural Marxism to traditional Marxism, i.e., Socialism.
One of Dewey’s most famous quotations sums up the philosophy prevalent in America’s educational system and curriculum today: “There is no God and no soul. Hence, there are no needs for the props of traditional religion. With dogma and creed excluded, then immutable (unchangeable) truth is also dead and buried. There is no room for fixed, natural law, or permanent moral absolutes.”
John Dewey, Karl Marx, Aldous Huxley, B.F. Skinner, and Benjamin Bloom were interested in a student’s academic achievement only if it would in some way benefit the State. Before a student’s cognitive knowledge could be used to its full potential for the good of the State, however, the student’s attitudes, values feelings, and beliefs must be conformed to that of the State.
In his book, “My Pedagogic Creed”, John Dewey explained:
3. JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES (1883-1946)
John Maynard Keynes is best known for what is now called Keynesian economics. Keynesian economics can be recognized by its love of debt, hatred of savings, and commitment to an idea that caused the Great Depression to be much deeper and last much longer than was necessary. This idea is the belief that during an economic downturn or recession, government should borrow or inflate the currency and dump large amounts of cash into the economy by being the primary source of spending and employment. (Does this sound familiar?) The end results are inflation and the devaluing of the dollar.
Keynes was a Fabian Socialist and member of the British Fabian Society. Fabian Socialism was birthed in London in 1883 and is best defined as ‘desiring Socialism through evolution instead of revolution.’ Many members of both American political parties are committed to Keynesian economics, and many are also Fabian Socialists. The goal of Fabian Socialism is not just Socialism but Globalism. Fabian Socialism works well with Corporate Fascism, which is now America’s form of government. Corporate Fascism is the merging of big government and big business. In the end Fabian Socialists don’t really want to own it if they can control it, and all they need to control it is a financial crisis that allows them to change laws, inflate the currency, and by stock in corporations. Whether you call it nationalizing an industry or Corporate Fascism, the end result is the same – the death of freedom and an end to private property.
John Strachey, a one-time communist, entered the British Fabian Society in 1943 and became War Minister in the labor government of Great Britain in 1950. He explains Keynesian economics this way:
“The positive part of Keynes’ work was a demand that capitalism should now be regulated and controlled by a central authority…The principal instruments of its policy should be variations in the rate of interest, budgetary deficits and surpluses, public works and a redistribution of personal incomes in equalitarian direction. This positive side of Keynes’ work requires an authority to do the regulating, and that authority can be, in contemporary conditions, nothing else but the government of a nation state.”
Keynes himself admitted that by:
4. CHARLES DARWIN (1809-1882)
Darwin is the author of “Origin of species” and “The Descent of Man.” The Descent of Man is really a call to embrace eugenics which Darwin euphemistically called “survival of the fittest.” While Darwin initially talked in terms of a farm animal breeding program, he eventually made it clear he was talking about humans as well.
Adolph Hitler and Margaret Sanger embraced Darwin’s worldview, and it has led to the deaths of millions. Eugenicists, as defined by Dr. George Grant, are “the practitioners of an odd pseudo-science who sincerely believe that if human civilization were to survive, the physically unfit, the materially poor, the spiritually diseased, the racially inferior and the mentally incompetent had to be eliminated.” Here is how Darwin put it in his book, “The Descent of Man.”
Americans should consider this before continuing down the path of legalizing “doctor assisted suicide” and the “right to die.” There is much documentation that the gas chambers of the death camps had been established as a direct by-product of Hitler’s active euthanasia programs in these “hospitals” or death centers. Murder of innocent citizens in an up-close and face-to-face manner by such methods as a firing squad was creating severe psychological problems for many of the Nazi soldiers, some of whom resorted to committing suicide to deal with the guilt of their actions. Thus, the killing equipment of the euthanasia centers was dismantled, transported, and reassembled at such death camps as Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Sobibor.
America’s first holocaust has been the murder of nearly 50 million unborn children. I predict our second holocaust will be active euthanasia. With the bankruptcy of Social Security and Medicare, and the imminent national health-care program, the right to die will become the duty to die. Will Christians speak up or be silent? Abraham Lincoln said, “Silence makes cowards out of the best of men.”
5. FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE – (1844-1900)
Friedrich Nietzsche, along with Michale Foucault, is one of the founders of postmodern though. Postmodernism says that truth and reality are created by man and not by God- something is true if it works for you. Post modernism declares that truth is not absolute and binding over the entire globe, but situational and subjective. Postmodernism is a dominant worldview in America today, and Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the most widely read authors on college campuses. So, just who is Nietzsche, what is his connection to Hitler, and why should Americans be concerned that his worldview is so popular in America?
Nietzsche is best known for declaring “God is dead,” but few know that he went on to say that not only is God dead but that “we have killed him.” Nietzsche hated Christians, which may be one reason Hitler loved Nietzsche. Nietzsche declared, “Christianity has been the most calamitous kind of arrogance yet.” He also wrote, “I call Christianity the one great curse, the one enormous and innermost pervasion, the one moral blemish of mankind…I regard Christianity as the most seductive lie that has yet existed.” Nietzsche believed that Christianity made Germans weak. He described himself as “The Anti-Christian Friedrich Nietzsche” and sometimes just as “the Antichrist.” He also wrote a book titled, Antichrist.
Hitler was so impressed with Nietzsche that he would visit Nietzsche’s museum and have his picture taken while staring at a bust of Nietzsche. Hitler declared, “Creation is not yet at an end. Man is becoming God…Man is God in the making.” Hitler also declared, “Do you really believe the masses will be Christian again? Nonsense! Never again! That tale is finished. No one will listen to it again.” So impressed was Hitler with Nietzsche that he passed the writings of Nietzsche on to Benito Mussolini, the dictator of Italy.
Hitler combined the worldview of Darwinian evolution with the “superman” of Frederick Nietzsche and developed eugenics, or the systematic elimination of individuals the State deemed to be the weakest link, the racially defective, and subhuman. Both Hitler and Nietzsche proclaimed the need to end the guilt of the human conscience. Nietzsche took Darwin’s survival of the fittest or the will to survive to the next level and proclaimed that “life simply is will to power.” Whatever it takes, one should purpose to be a ruler, a master over the less desirable. Thus, in promoting his master-and slave morality, Nietzsche, in his book “Beyond Good and Evil”, proclaimed the need to look beyond Christian definitions of good and evil to whatever it took to gain power, including the need for cruelty. Nietzsche wrote, “We should reconsider cruelty and open our eyes…Almost everything we call ‘higher culture’ is based on the spiritualization of cruelty, on its becoming more profound: this is my proposition.”
“Master morality” meant the strong rule over the weak. And by weak he would also mean Christians with their compassion for the sick, aged and vulnerable. Anyone who held to fixed morality would make themselves slaves, and deservedly so. Nietzsche had no need for the Christian worldview and its absolute truth and standards of justice and injustice, righteous and unrighteous. For Nietzsche the standard was only what put and kept one in power. Nietzsche wrote, “…that the demand of one morality for all is detrimental for the higher man…” Note that this is exactly why today’s cultural elite have one standard for the masses and a completely different standard for themselves.
Why do Christians have such a strong commitment to the life of the unborn, the sick, the disabled, and the elderly? Because we understand, as did America’s Founding Fathers, that man is created in the image of god, and thus every person has a right to life, liberty, and property. With the loss of the Christian worldview and the ever-increasing acceptance of Nietzsche’s postmodernism by American society, Christians and conservatives are at risk at being portrayed as the enemies of the State, intolerant, out of touch, bigoted, extremist, or even domestic terrorists-all because their Biblical worldview is in direct contrast to that of “the higher man,” the cultural elite, or the master morality.
America’s sick, handicapped, and elderly will also be a risk as man’s intrinsic, God-given value is replaced by a value that is measured only by what a person can do for the State. Are they productive human resources? Once national health care is a reality and Americans see it as a risk, only the threat of its removal will be needed to convince the younger, postmodern generations that the lifeboat is too full, and it is time to toss the weak overboard.
In a sad irony, many teachers who have long since retired will experience first-hand the brutal, inhumane consequences of the worldview they inculcated into their pupils through situational ethics courses. America’s citizens will not likely escape the consequences of their duplicity or apathy. Whether parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, elected officials, pastors, Sunday school teachers, journalists, butchers, bakers, or candlestick makers, they will find that Aristotle was correct when he said, “All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.”
Just a few months after writing his book “the Antichrist,” Nietzsche went insane and spent the next ten years out of his mind. It cannot be stated too emphatically that the godless worldview of Nietzsche will lead individuals into self-inflicted insanity and despair and will cause a nation to be ruled by madmen. Ideas do have consequences.
6. ALDOUS HUXLEY – (1894-1963)
Aldous Huxley is best known as the author of “Brave New World,” in which he outlines the steps toward total social transformation. Huxley’s list of stated goals confirms that he is still impacting America’s educational system:
Huxley spent the last years of his life experimenting with mind-altering drugs in an attempt to find some kind of esoteric or hidden truth. Harvard professor, psychologist, and promoter of psychedelic drugs, Dr. Timothy Leary, recalled, in a piece titled “Flashback,” a conversation he had with Huxley. Huxley said, “These brain drugs, mass produced in the laboratories, will bring about vast changes in society. This will happen with or without you or me. All we can do is spread the word. The obstacle to this evolution, timothy, is the Bible.”
Leary responded, “We had run up against the Judeo-Christian commitment to one god, one religion, one reality, that has cursed Europe for centuries and America since our founding days. Drugs that open the mind to multiple realities inevitably lead to a polytheistic view of the universe. We sensed that the time for a new humanist religion based on intelligence, good-natured pluralism and scientific paganism has arrived.”
7. ALFRED KINSEY – (1894-1956)
I’m going to be very brief in writing about Kinsey because he was so perverted I cannot bear to put into words more than I have done here. Kinsey, who was very much committed to Darwinian evolution, released his book, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,” in 1948. Far from being a scientific study, Kinsey’s book was sexual propaganda that sought to convince Americans that all sex was equal regardless of whether it was between people of the same sex, the opposite sex, or adults with children. In fact, the extensive research of people such as Dr. Judith Reisman reveals that Kinsey, though married, was a homosexual.
Kinsey’s “research” included collecting data from adult men who had sexual relations with children. Kinsey documented the molestation of children ranging in age from four months to teenagers. Kinsey’s goal was the normalization of homosexuality, bisexuality and pedophilia.
Kinsey kicked off the sexual revolution, and the war on biblical sexuality continues to this day through sex education curricula. In my first book , written in 1993, I quoted from an eighth-grade curriculum that a parent in South Dakota personally placed in my hands. This curriculum told these young, impressionable students that “Children are not necessarily harmed or disturbed by child molesters.” Numerous attempts have been made by parents, educators, and a member of the U.S. Congress to eliminate federal funding of any sex education curriculum based on the perversion of Kinsey. However, the pro-Kinsey lobby, Hollywood, and the liberal media have characterized and marginalized anyone who sought to expose Kinsey’s demented worldview and how taxpayers pay for its wide distribution.
Romans 1:22 says,
“Professing to be wise, they became fools,” which is to say they became vain, useless, and futile in their thinking. This clearly describes Karl Marx, John Dewey, John Maynard Keynes, Aldous Huxley, Charles Darwin, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Alfred Kinsey. Among these “Leading intellectuals” are child molesters, drug users, family deserters, and at least one who went insane.
I hope this look at these “professional” lives brings insight and some clarity to the question, “How did this happen to our nation?”
Those who share the worldviews of these enemies of our constitutional republic and Biblical worldview do not want their agenda and its consequences to be revealed to the American people. Above all, they do not want us to equip and train our children and grandchildren with a Biblical worldview by which to recognize, reject, and fight against their seductive and destructive lies.
THE TRUTH IS…enough courageous Christians CAN STILL make a difference!
These are just seven of the many people whose worldview and influence are in fact destroying America. Check out the TTUF Profiles tab (third tab from the right) on our website The TRUTH Under FIRE for others who have had such effects in our world!
The Apostle Paul calls Satan “the god of this world” in 2 Corinthians 4:4, and John states in 1 John 5:19 that “the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one.” 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” We are in a battle, and the leader of the opposition is Satan himself.
I hear people say that we are all God’s children, but that’s only wishful thinking.
Jesus said,
“If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God” (John 8:42).
In verse 44 He continues, “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.”
Then in verse 47: “He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.”
So when and how can one come to be called a child of God?
John tells us in:
In verse 44 He continues, “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.”
Then in verse 47: “He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.”
So when and how can one come to be called a child of God?
John tells us in:
John 1:12-13
“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”
- by Brannon Howse
The Bible Makes it Clear this is a Spiritual, Worldview War
Man is either serving God or serving Satan and thus every issue is a theological and spiritual issue. Jesus Christ, who was fully God and fully Man, declared in John 14:6 that He is truth, and thus truth is that which is consistent with the character and nature of God. The Bible is a reflection of God’s character and nature, and so it is truth. Jesus Christ prayed this in John 17:17 when He said, “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.”
Satan is committed to everything contrary to the character and nature of God. He is an enemy of truth and therefore the father of lies.
I believe Satan desires the demise of America for two reasons:
(1) It was founded as a Christian nation, and many of its founders saw America as a place from which to propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With the printing of the Bible, and the establishment of seminaries, Christian Sunday school associations, and mission agencies, America, since its inception, has spent billions upon billions on discipling nations of the world. Satan hates America for this!He goes on to say that there are six main worldviews: Biblical Christianity, Secular humanism, Cosmic Humanism (New Age), Islam, Postmodernism, and Communism/ Marxism. Only one of these is built on truth. The other five have brought destruction, despair, mass murder, and chaos.
(2) Satan hates America for our defense of Israel and the Jewish people. America stepped into World War II and ended Satan’s attempt to destroy the Jewish people through a demonically influenced Adolf Hitler. And, until recently, America has been a friend and defender of Israel. As a result, Satan is quite pleased by the work of those who further the lies that contribute to the destruction of our once great city on a hill.
Among the many proponents of these views, a small group of seminal thinkers have done more than any others to assure that these aberrant philosophies still influence and undermine America long after the philosophers have exited this life. Their values and ideas are driving America itself to an early grave.
1. KARL MARX (1818-1883)
As a young man, Marx was kicked out of several universities for his radical, revolutionary views. An atheist and a Secular humanist, he wrote the “Communist Manifesto” with is friend Friedrich Engels. Marx did not believe in the spiritual world or life after death. He believed only in the natural or material world, and he valued people solely for what they could do for the state. Is it no wonder that the worldview of Marx – Communism – is responsible for the murder of as many as 100 million people?
Marx hated the free market and capitalism – concepts birthed out of the Reformation – perhaps because he was a lazy slob who wanted others to take care of him. Marx largely lived off his friend Friedrich Engels, who drew his income from the family business. How ironic is that? Marx spread his hatred of capitalism while living off the fruits of capitalism. Isn’t that always the mode of operation for those who follow the economic philosophy of Communism (the most virulent form of Socialism)?
Marx was such a reprobate that out of his six children, three died of starvation while still infants, two others committed suicide, and only one lived to become an adult. The Marx family was often hounded by creditors. Yet, when Marx received a gift of 160 pounds (about $500), did he pay his bills and his rent, or buy food for his starving family? No. He went on a two-month drinking binge with his intellectual buddies while his wife and infant children were evicted from their apartment. Marx the parasite quickly spent his wife’s inheritances from her mother and uncle, causing his family to live on the edge of financial ruin for years.
While the lies that Marx promoted were many, one was a hatred for the traditional family. Marx favored “a system of wives in common.” And because he was a mean, arrogant bully, Marx had few friends. Even those who agreed with his teachings did not like him as a person. Thus, when he died, only 11 people attended his funeral.
2. JOHN DEWEY (1859-1952)
John Dewey is known as the father of modern American education. He is also a signer of the “Humanist Manifesto 1” and a founding member of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). In 1928, he traveled to Russia to help implement the Karl Marx system of education and then returned to teach at Columbia University as the head of their department of education. Dewey helped to start the Socialist Society in America and was an honorary president of the National Education Association. He promoted Secular humanism in his book, A Common Faith. Dewey presided over the League for Industrial Democracy, a British Fabian (socialism) branch. Dewey harmed America to a degree few others have. He was the leading force behind bringing a group of German intellectuals-from the “Frankfurt School”-to America. The Frankfurt School promoted the worldview of Friedrich Nietzsche, and with their arrival to America in 1933 they sought to implement cultural Marxism in every area of American life under the disguise of Political Correctness. The goal was the destruction of Christianity, the creation of chaos, and then the transition from cultural Marxism to traditional Marxism, i.e., Socialism.
One of Dewey’s most famous quotations sums up the philosophy prevalent in America’s educational system and curriculum today: “There is no God and no soul. Hence, there are no needs for the props of traditional religion. With dogma and creed excluded, then immutable (unchangeable) truth is also dead and buried. There is no room for fixed, natural law, or permanent moral absolutes.”
John Dewey, Karl Marx, Aldous Huxley, B.F. Skinner, and Benjamin Bloom were interested in a student’s academic achievement only if it would in some way benefit the State. Before a student’s cognitive knowledge could be used to its full potential for the good of the State, however, the student’s attitudes, values feelings, and beliefs must be conformed to that of the State.
In his book, “My Pedagogic Creed”, John Dewey explained:
“I believe the true center of correlation on the school subjects is not science, nor literature, nor history, nor geography, but the child’s social activities…I believe that the school is primarily a social institution…The teacher’s business is simply to determine, on the basis of the larger experience and riper wisdom, how the discipline of life shall come to the child…All these questions of the grading of the child and his promotion should be determined by reference to the same standard. Examinations are of use only so far as they test the child’s fitness for social life.”John Dewey and his friends were only interested in knowing where to place the students in the social and economic hierarchy. Tests were to be used to determine a child’s area of worldview weakness. Once the area of weakness is determined, the attitudes, values, feelings, and emotions that do not fit with the State’s worldview--the curriculum, as Bloom said—are used to change the student’s fixed beliefs. Those who do not conform are punished by being channeled into dead-end, low income jobs. If you like where America’s education system is headed, you can thank John Dewey.
3. JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES (1883-1946)
John Maynard Keynes is best known for what is now called Keynesian economics. Keynesian economics can be recognized by its love of debt, hatred of savings, and commitment to an idea that caused the Great Depression to be much deeper and last much longer than was necessary. This idea is the belief that during an economic downturn or recession, government should borrow or inflate the currency and dump large amounts of cash into the economy by being the primary source of spending and employment. (Does this sound familiar?) The end results are inflation and the devaluing of the dollar.
Keynes was a Fabian Socialist and member of the British Fabian Society. Fabian Socialism was birthed in London in 1883 and is best defined as ‘desiring Socialism through evolution instead of revolution.’ Many members of both American political parties are committed to Keynesian economics, and many are also Fabian Socialists. The goal of Fabian Socialism is not just Socialism but Globalism. Fabian Socialism works well with Corporate Fascism, which is now America’s form of government. Corporate Fascism is the merging of big government and big business. In the end Fabian Socialists don’t really want to own it if they can control it, and all they need to control it is a financial crisis that allows them to change laws, inflate the currency, and by stock in corporations. Whether you call it nationalizing an industry or Corporate Fascism, the end result is the same – the death of freedom and an end to private property.
John Strachey, a one-time communist, entered the British Fabian Society in 1943 and became War Minister in the labor government of Great Britain in 1950. He explains Keynesian economics this way:
“The positive part of Keynes’ work was a demand that capitalism should now be regulated and controlled by a central authority…The principal instruments of its policy should be variations in the rate of interest, budgetary deficits and surpluses, public works and a redistribution of personal incomes in equalitarian direction. This positive side of Keynes’ work requires an authority to do the regulating, and that authority can be, in contemporary conditions, nothing else but the government of a nation state.”
Keynes himself admitted that by:
“… A continuous process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of wealth of their citizens. By this method, they not only confiscate, but confiscate arbitrarily: and while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some. The process engages all of the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner that not one man in a million can diagnose.Dr. David Noebel of Summit Ministries, he observed:
“Keynesianism, or interventionism, or socialism, is contrary to nearly every aspect of the Christian worldview in economics. Today, Keynesianism is called interventionism. Interventionism is where the government itself gets involved in the economic sphere and passes laws that destroy what we would call sound, basic economics. And what we had with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the whole deal of going now into debt by trillions is nothing more or nothing less than Fabian, Keynesian economic philosophy. So this is what every Christian needs to get a handle on, or we are finished as a nation. Austrian economics was just basically classical economics. For 6,000 years, the economics of the world was basically money, sound money. You’ve got to have something that you can judge by, and even though over the history of the world for the last 6,000 years we’ve tried various things, they always ended up with gold and silver as being the standard of money. And you could judge it. The dollar itself comes from the word thaler, which was a measurement of what and ounce of silver would entail, or a percentage of a gold piece would entail. So we always—in fact, the U.S. Constitution identifies money as gold and silver.” Like so many of the other losers on our list, Keynes was also a pervert of the highest order. Zygmund Dobbs conducted research for the book, Keynes at Harvard, and he describes Keynes and his Socialist buddies this way:Joan Robinson, a Marxist economist who worked with Keynes, declared that “the differences between Marx and Keynes are only verbal.”
“Singing the Red Flag, the highborn sons of the British upper-class lay on the carpeted floor spinning our socialist schemes in homosexual intermissions…The attitude in such gatherings was anti-establishmentarian. To them the older generation was horribly out of date, even superfluous. The capitalist system was declared obsolete and revolution was proclaimed as the only solution. Christianity was pronounced an enemy force, and the worst sort of depravities were eulogized as ‘that love which passes all Christian understanding.’ Chief of this ring of homosexual revolutionaries was John Maynard Keynes…Keynes was characterized by his male sweetheart, Lytton Strachey, as “a liberal and a sodomite, and atheist and a statistician.” His particular depravity was the sexual abuse of little boys.”
4. CHARLES DARWIN (1809-1882)
Darwin is the author of “Origin of species” and “The Descent of Man.” The Descent of Man is really a call to embrace eugenics which Darwin euphemistically called “survival of the fittest.” While Darwin initially talked in terms of a farm animal breeding program, he eventually made it clear he was talking about humans as well.
Adolph Hitler and Margaret Sanger embraced Darwin’s worldview, and it has led to the deaths of millions. Eugenicists, as defined by Dr. George Grant, are “the practitioners of an odd pseudo-science who sincerely believe that if human civilization were to survive, the physically unfit, the materially poor, the spiritually diseased, the racially inferior and the mentally incompetent had to be eliminated.” Here is how Darwin put it in his book, “The Descent of Man.”
“With savages, the weak in body of mind are soon eliminated; and those that survive exhibit a vigorous state of health…We civilized men, on the other hand, do our utmost to check the process of elimination; we build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed, and the sick; we institute poor-laws; and our medical men exert their utmost skill to save the life of every one to the last moment. There is reason to believe that vaccination has preserved thousands, who from a weak constitution would formerly have succumbed to small-pox. Thus the weak members of civilized societies propagate their kind. One who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will not doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man. It is surprising how soon a want of care, or care wrongly directed, leads to the degeneration of a domestic race; but excepting in the case of man himself; hardly anyone is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed.”In case you think I need to provide more proof that Darwin was promoting eugenics, then consider another quotation from his book, “The Descent of Man.”
“If…various checks…do not prevent the reckless, the vicious and otherwise inferior members of society from increasing at a quicker rate than the better class of man, the nation will retrograde, as has occurred too often in the history of the world. We must remember that progress is no invariable rule.”Now listen to Hitler writing in “Mein Kampf.”
“Every crossing between two breeds which are not quite equal results I a product which holds an intermediate place between the levels of the two parents. This means that the offspring will indeed be superior to the parent which stands in the biologically lower order of being, but not so high as the high parent. For this reason it must eventually succumb in any struggle against the higher species. Such mating contradicts the will of Nature towards the selective improvements of life in general. The favorable preliminary to this improvement is not to mate individuals of higher and lower orders of being but rather to allow the complete triumph of the high order. The stronger must dominate and not mate with the weaker, which would signify the sacrifice of its own higher nature. Only the born weakling can look upon this principle as cruel, and if he does so it is merely because he is of a feebler nature and narrower mind; for if such a law did not direct the process of evolution then the high development of organic life would not be conceivable at all.”Dr. Erwin Lutzer in his book, Hitler’s Cross, explains the Darwin/Hitler connection when he writes:
“Hitler also accepted Charles Darwin’s theory of “the survival of the fittest” and asserted that man had every right to be “as cruel as nature.” Detailed lectures were given in schools and to SS troops to prove the inferiority of the Jews. Aryan skulls were compared with those of Jewish ancestry to prove on a scientific basis that the latter were hopelessly inferior. Only the “fittest” had the right to survive.”Doctor-assisted suicide and “mercy killings” were precursors to the murder of 11 million people under Hitler’s Darwinian/Nietzsche worldview. It all began with the murder of 275,000 handicapped and mentally disabled adults and children through active euthanasia. Some experts put the number as high as 400,000, and much of this began with parents asking Hitler to grant them permission to kill their disabled children.
Americans should consider this before continuing down the path of legalizing “doctor assisted suicide” and the “right to die.” There is much documentation that the gas chambers of the death camps had been established as a direct by-product of Hitler’s active euthanasia programs in these “hospitals” or death centers. Murder of innocent citizens in an up-close and face-to-face manner by such methods as a firing squad was creating severe psychological problems for many of the Nazi soldiers, some of whom resorted to committing suicide to deal with the guilt of their actions. Thus, the killing equipment of the euthanasia centers was dismantled, transported, and reassembled at such death camps as Auschwitz, Treblinka, and Sobibor.
America’s first holocaust has been the murder of nearly 50 million unborn children. I predict our second holocaust will be active euthanasia. With the bankruptcy of Social Security and Medicare, and the imminent national health-care program, the right to die will become the duty to die. Will Christians speak up or be silent? Abraham Lincoln said, “Silence makes cowards out of the best of men.”
5. FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE – (1844-1900)
Friedrich Nietzsche, along with Michale Foucault, is one of the founders of postmodern though. Postmodernism says that truth and reality are created by man and not by God- something is true if it works for you. Post modernism declares that truth is not absolute and binding over the entire globe, but situational and subjective. Postmodernism is a dominant worldview in America today, and Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the most widely read authors on college campuses. So, just who is Nietzsche, what is his connection to Hitler, and why should Americans be concerned that his worldview is so popular in America?
Nietzsche is best known for declaring “God is dead,” but few know that he went on to say that not only is God dead but that “we have killed him.” Nietzsche hated Christians, which may be one reason Hitler loved Nietzsche. Nietzsche declared, “Christianity has been the most calamitous kind of arrogance yet.” He also wrote, “I call Christianity the one great curse, the one enormous and innermost pervasion, the one moral blemish of mankind…I regard Christianity as the most seductive lie that has yet existed.” Nietzsche believed that Christianity made Germans weak. He described himself as “The Anti-Christian Friedrich Nietzsche” and sometimes just as “the Antichrist.” He also wrote a book titled, Antichrist.
Hitler was so impressed with Nietzsche that he would visit Nietzsche’s museum and have his picture taken while staring at a bust of Nietzsche. Hitler declared, “Creation is not yet at an end. Man is becoming God…Man is God in the making.” Hitler also declared, “Do you really believe the masses will be Christian again? Nonsense! Never again! That tale is finished. No one will listen to it again.” So impressed was Hitler with Nietzsche that he passed the writings of Nietzsche on to Benito Mussolini, the dictator of Italy.
Hitler combined the worldview of Darwinian evolution with the “superman” of Frederick Nietzsche and developed eugenics, or the systematic elimination of individuals the State deemed to be the weakest link, the racially defective, and subhuman. Both Hitler and Nietzsche proclaimed the need to end the guilt of the human conscience. Nietzsche took Darwin’s survival of the fittest or the will to survive to the next level and proclaimed that “life simply is will to power.” Whatever it takes, one should purpose to be a ruler, a master over the less desirable. Thus, in promoting his master-and slave morality, Nietzsche, in his book “Beyond Good and Evil”, proclaimed the need to look beyond Christian definitions of good and evil to whatever it took to gain power, including the need for cruelty. Nietzsche wrote, “We should reconsider cruelty and open our eyes…Almost everything we call ‘higher culture’ is based on the spiritualization of cruelty, on its becoming more profound: this is my proposition.”
“Master morality” meant the strong rule over the weak. And by weak he would also mean Christians with their compassion for the sick, aged and vulnerable. Anyone who held to fixed morality would make themselves slaves, and deservedly so. Nietzsche had no need for the Christian worldview and its absolute truth and standards of justice and injustice, righteous and unrighteous. For Nietzsche the standard was only what put and kept one in power. Nietzsche wrote, “…that the demand of one morality for all is detrimental for the higher man…” Note that this is exactly why today’s cultural elite have one standard for the masses and a completely different standard for themselves.
Why do Christians have such a strong commitment to the life of the unborn, the sick, the disabled, and the elderly? Because we understand, as did America’s Founding Fathers, that man is created in the image of god, and thus every person has a right to life, liberty, and property. With the loss of the Christian worldview and the ever-increasing acceptance of Nietzsche’s postmodernism by American society, Christians and conservatives are at risk at being portrayed as the enemies of the State, intolerant, out of touch, bigoted, extremist, or even domestic terrorists-all because their Biblical worldview is in direct contrast to that of “the higher man,” the cultural elite, or the master morality.
America’s sick, handicapped, and elderly will also be a risk as man’s intrinsic, God-given value is replaced by a value that is measured only by what a person can do for the State. Are they productive human resources? Once national health care is a reality and Americans see it as a risk, only the threat of its removal will be needed to convince the younger, postmodern generations that the lifeboat is too full, and it is time to toss the weak overboard.
In a sad irony, many teachers who have long since retired will experience first-hand the brutal, inhumane consequences of the worldview they inculcated into their pupils through situational ethics courses. America’s citizens will not likely escape the consequences of their duplicity or apathy. Whether parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, elected officials, pastors, Sunday school teachers, journalists, butchers, bakers, or candlestick makers, they will find that Aristotle was correct when he said, “All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth.”
Just a few months after writing his book “the Antichrist,” Nietzsche went insane and spent the next ten years out of his mind. It cannot be stated too emphatically that the godless worldview of Nietzsche will lead individuals into self-inflicted insanity and despair and will cause a nation to be ruled by madmen. Ideas do have consequences.
6. ALDOUS HUXLEY – (1894-1963)
Aldous Huxley is best known as the author of “Brave New World,” in which he outlines the steps toward total social transformation. Huxley’s list of stated goals confirms that he is still impacting America’s educational system:
1. Rewrite history to discredit nationalism and promote Globalism.2. Teach thinking skills based on feelings and experience, not facts and reason.3. Encourage loyalty to peers and teachers, not family and churches.4. Immerse students in global beliefs and values5. Block opposition to the new global paradigm.6. Condition students to serve a “greater whole.”Aldous Huxley supported the idea of a planned economy where the government merges education with industrial production, just as was called for by Karl Marx in the tenth Plank of the “Communist Manifest.” Huxley wrote:
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced because they love their servitude…To bring about the revolution we require…enabling government managers to assign any given individual to his or her proper place in the social and economic hierarchy. Round pegs in square holes tend to have dangerous thoughts about the social system and to infect others with their discontents.”This philosophy has been in the process of being implemented both at the state and federal level for many years, despite that fact that individuals such as myself, Lynn Cheney, and others have been warning about the danger it poses to individual liberty and the free markets. Many Americans believe the government education system is a planned failure and intellectual slavery. Why? Because if children are not educated, they are easily controlled.
Huxley spent the last years of his life experimenting with mind-altering drugs in an attempt to find some kind of esoteric or hidden truth. Harvard professor, psychologist, and promoter of psychedelic drugs, Dr. Timothy Leary, recalled, in a piece titled “Flashback,” a conversation he had with Huxley. Huxley said, “These brain drugs, mass produced in the laboratories, will bring about vast changes in society. This will happen with or without you or me. All we can do is spread the word. The obstacle to this evolution, timothy, is the Bible.”
Leary responded, “We had run up against the Judeo-Christian commitment to one god, one religion, one reality, that has cursed Europe for centuries and America since our founding days. Drugs that open the mind to multiple realities inevitably lead to a polytheistic view of the universe. We sensed that the time for a new humanist religion based on intelligence, good-natured pluralism and scientific paganism has arrived.”
7. ALFRED KINSEY – (1894-1956)
I’m going to be very brief in writing about Kinsey because he was so perverted I cannot bear to put into words more than I have done here. Kinsey, who was very much committed to Darwinian evolution, released his book, “Sexual Behavior in the Human Male,” in 1948. Far from being a scientific study, Kinsey’s book was sexual propaganda that sought to convince Americans that all sex was equal regardless of whether it was between people of the same sex, the opposite sex, or adults with children. In fact, the extensive research of people such as Dr. Judith Reisman reveals that Kinsey, though married, was a homosexual.
Kinsey’s “research” included collecting data from adult men who had sexual relations with children. Kinsey documented the molestation of children ranging in age from four months to teenagers. Kinsey’s goal was the normalization of homosexuality, bisexuality and pedophilia.
Kinsey kicked off the sexual revolution, and the war on biblical sexuality continues to this day through sex education curricula. In my first book , written in 1993, I quoted from an eighth-grade curriculum that a parent in South Dakota personally placed in my hands. This curriculum told these young, impressionable students that “Children are not necessarily harmed or disturbed by child molesters.” Numerous attempts have been made by parents, educators, and a member of the U.S. Congress to eliminate federal funding of any sex education curriculum based on the perversion of Kinsey. However, the pro-Kinsey lobby, Hollywood, and the liberal media have characterized and marginalized anyone who sought to expose Kinsey’s demented worldview and how taxpayers pay for its wide distribution.
Romans 1:22 says,
“Professing to be wise, they became fools,” which is to say they became vain, useless, and futile in their thinking. This clearly describes Karl Marx, John Dewey, John Maynard Keynes, Aldous Huxley, Charles Darwin, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Alfred Kinsey. Among these “Leading intellectuals” are child molesters, drug users, family deserters, and at least one who went insane.
I hope this look at these “professional” lives brings insight and some clarity to the question, “How did this happen to our nation?”
Those who share the worldviews of these enemies of our constitutional republic and Biblical worldview do not want their agenda and its consequences to be revealed to the American people. Above all, they do not want us to equip and train our children and grandchildren with a Biblical worldview by which to recognize, reject, and fight against their seductive and destructive lies.
THE TRUTH IS…enough courageous Christians CAN STILL make a difference!
These are just seven of the many people whose worldview and influence are in fact destroying America. Check out the TTUF Profiles tab (third tab from the right) on our website The TRUTH Under FIRE for others who have had such effects in our world!
1 comment:
This sounds very much like a book I borrowed from a friend:
Seven Men Who Rule the World from the Grave - By: David Breese ...
copy and paste this in your browsers:
This is an excellent article on TNT and one that every Christian should read, research, and be aware of its finer details, as they trace the intricate linkages that are leading to America's demise.
Congratulations to Anne Kisly for this posting; its important enough that every one who reads it, owes it to the rest of America, especially Christian America, to pass it on! I'm going to!
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